VAU Merchant Search API

Allows Acquirers to check for Merchant Enrollment or In-Progress or Inactive status

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Free to use in Sandbox. Contact Visa for fees in Production. Product Terms below.

For acquirers or processors, the VAU Merchant Search API solution brings the possibility to integrate their web-based applications thereby avoiding manual process of checking the status of merchants that are not yet enrolled and under “in-progress” status.

 This API can also be used to check the enrollment status of the merchants where the possible outcomes can be Active, Inactive, Declined, In-Progress, Not found

Key Features

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Check for Merchant Enrollment Status

Provides the user that a merchant is ‘Active’ and ‘Enrolled.’

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Check for In Progress Status

The API provides updated status of any changes from In Progress to Enrolled or Declined.

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Check for Inactive merchants

The API provides whether a merchant is inactive in VAU database.

How It Works

Step 1

Acquirer Initiates API Request

Acquirer invokes secure VAU Merchant Search API to search for merchant(s) in VAU.

Step Two

Visa Validation

Visa validates the acquirer sending the API request and routes the request to VAU.

Step Three

VAU Processes the client request

VAU processes the client request from its database

Step Four

VAU Returns Response

Visa returns responses with a possibility of 5 statuses – ‘Active’, ‘Inactive’, ‘Declined’, ‘Inprogress’, ‘Notfound’. 

How It's Used

Test in the sandbox

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  • Visa Account Updater Merchant Search API can be used by the developers in the sandbox 
  • The developers can download the test cases from the project dashboard within Assets

Invoke the API with a single or multiple merchants

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  • Use VAU Merchant Search API with single or up to 100 merchants to check the status from VAU database.

API responses

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  • When VAU Merchant Search API is used, these are the possible outcomes:
    • Active – merchant(s) are successfully enrolled and is/are in "Active” status in VAU.
    • Inactive – merchants is/are “Inactive” status in VAU.
    • Decline –  merchant is not eligible to be enrolled.
    • Inprogress – additional research are required.
    • Not found – merchants are not present in VAU.

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