Visa Resolve Online
Manage dispute processing using Visa Resolve Online
available for use by
Issuer Banks
Acquirer Banks
Regional Availability
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Contact Visa for pricing to use in Production.

Simplified Dispute Processing
Visa Resolve Online (VROL) is a dispute resolution platform that helps issuers and acquirers manage the dispute life cycle. Users of VROL may retrieve transaction information online, receive financial information related to disputes, exchange information and documentation electronically, submit pre-filing and case filings electronically, receive financial messages, report fraud, and manage Exception File Listings.
What VROL Delivers
Best practices
VROL brings a depth of experience and innovation to dispute resolution.
VROL reduces resolution times by focusing on the most relevant information.
VROL improves operations by automatically assigning case liability for approximately 80% of disputes for Visa transactions.
VROL uses dynamic questionnaires and automation to help ensure successful disputes are processed.
VROL Benefits
Reduced Costs
Financial institutions may realize cost savings through simplified processing, less maintenance costs and a reduction in touchpoints.
Decreased Complexity
Streamlined dispute resolution with an easy workflow that combines intuitive questionnaires, financial processing, fraud reporting and exception file updates in one system.
Increased Control
Greater insight into the dispute resolution process with proven workflows.
Improved Data Quality
With access to transaction data, intuitive questionnaires and robust dispute edits, clients will see a reduction in input and output errors.
Enhanced Customer Service
Ability to respond more quickly and thoroughly to customer inquiries with direct access to complete Visa transaction data.
APIs Included
Fraud API
Allows an issuer or an acquirer to add a new fraud report.