Visa Developer Commercialization
Developers who initiate their journey to go live by either engaging with their Visa representative or submitting a Project Promotion request (for their Sandbox project) through our Visa Developer Portal. The first phase of the Going-Live process "Commercialization”, entails contractual terms that govern the pricing and licensing of Visa Developer Platform (VDP) APIs.
VDP Contract Structure – EASY!
We have standardized and simplified our contract structure to work across all eligible VDP capabilities to include only the three key elements listed below.

Platform Terms (Product Agnostic)
The VDP API Agreement, along with the Terms of Use, sets a foundation for your commercial engagement with Visa and builds a framework to govern the capabilities accessed through the Visa Developer Platform. The foundation defines the relationship and provides safeguards for licensing of intellectual property, confidentiality, limitation of liability, etc., while including a schedule of payments, scope of marketing and termination rights, among other terms applicable to every particular VDP capability that may be selected.

API Specific Terms
API Specific Terms highlight special terms and conditions, if any, for the implementation and usage of specific capabilities/APIs. These terms might set limits on how certain data elements can be used and stored, and include other requirements such as prerequisites for use.

Pricing Terms
Pricing for Visa Developer Platform capabilities aims to charge our clients at the point where the capability provides value, e.g. during a transaction, per API call, for a subscription, and others. We may also be able to work with you to define a pilot project to field test the benefits of integrating eligible APIs and help you determine whether to use the capability beyond the pilot term. Please refer to the Visa Developer Pricing for a more pricing details.
Additional Considerations
Target Audience
VDP capabilities, and by extension our contracts, cater to a wide range of institutions – from issuers and acquirers, to processors and FinTechs. However, for many capabilities that do utilize transaction data, for example, Visa may require a Financial Institution (FI) to execute our VDP API Agreement. FinTechs may either contract directly with Visa or be designated as authorized third party agents of such FI depending on the solution architecture.
Regional Considerations
The general nature of terms and conditions discussed above is similar for most countries and markets around the world; however, particularities such as local laws and regulations or business processes might necessitate certain localizations. Visa may at times implement or require more stringent controls than those legally required in a jurisdiction, for reasons such as to help protect sensitive personal and financial information.
Getting a VDP API Agreement in Place
You can request the VDP API agreement either through your Visa representative or send email to [email protected] for next steps. We will then aim to provide a solutions architect to work with you to help determine whether our capabilities will be suitable for your use case and provide a VDP API Agreement customized for the relevant capabilities. Once you are ready to execute, Visa will provide the VDP API Agreement for electronic signatures.
Future Growth
Many of our clients choose to include additional capabilities after the initial VDP API Agreement has been executed. To streamline this process, VDP requires only an Addendum to the existing VDP API Agreement, outlining the new capabilities and any new product specific terms and pricing. The Addendum solution is intended as a practicable and fast way to execution and aims to streamline the process.
Please note that this information does not constitute a promise of a specific Commercialization structure, as each request for promotion to production needs to be assessed on an individual basis. If you have further questions about our Commercialization process, please email us at [email protected] or contact your Visa Account Executive/Manager, and one of our team members will reach out to you.