Enhanced Merchant Information

Potential to reduce customer support inquiries and unnecessary chargebacks

Optimized for:

Visa's Merchant Information Solution

Provide detailed merchant information related to every transaction

Help to reduce call center inquiries and unnecessary chargebacks related to merchant information, by providing detailed Merchant Location information to cardholders for every transaction. In addition, use Merchant Search to provide detailed merchant information for every card transaction.

Provide merchant location details on a map

Use Merchant Locator to provide the merchant's location on a map. This feature allows cardholders to identify the transaction location easily or find multiple merchant locations near the cardholder using geolocation.

Cardholder Benefits

View enhanced merchant information by transaction

View merchant location on a map

Help avoid unnecessary call center inquiries regarding transactions

Ready to start with Enhanced Merchant Information?

Disclaimer:  Benefits and reduced inquiries or chargebacks depend upon your implementation details and business factors. Visa does not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, currentness or completeness of the information provided via the Merchant Search or Merchant Locator APIs, nor assumes any liability or responsibility for claims that may result from reliance on such information.