How to Use Visa Global ATM Locator

Using the Totals Inquiry Operation

This operation returns a simple list of ATM Names located within the specified radius of the request location (separated by "|"), and subtotals of the number of ATMs that match each of the filter criteria included in the request. For a detailed description of each ATM, you should use the "ATMs Inquiry" operation instead.


“PLACENAMES”:“CHUCKS DONUTS|DONOVAN’S LIQUOR & DELI|PHOENIX RESTAURANT”, followed by totals for each filter criterion,


Up to 100 ATM locations around a 60 miles radius of the geo location provided may be returned, so it’s best to iterate the search criteria using the “Totals Inquiry” first to narrow in on the right set, before getting all the details from the “ATM Inquiry” operation details later.  This operation enables you to perform tasks like refine search criteria iteratively, prepare a user interface, or reserve storage for the detailed list.

For complete details, please refer to the API Reference link.

To use the Totals Inquiry operation, you need:

  • Location of the search center, Required, either as a comma separated string containing a single line address of {street, city, state, zip, country} (e.g. “101 Main St, Bigtown, OH, 10040, USA”), or as geo-coordinates (e.g. “Latitude": 37.394664,"Longitude": -122.062304)
  • Search radius, Required, e.g. “distance”:”10” and “distanceUnit”:”mi” (or “km”)
  • Search filter criteria, Optional, from the list below, e.g., "WHEELCHAIR" accessible:
ACCEPTS_PLUS_SHARED_DEPOSIT ATM will accept a deposit from another Financial Institution’s customer.
CARD_ACCEPT ATM accepts both Visa and Plus, Plus Only or Visa Only. Most ATMs accept both Visa and Plus.
WHEELCHAIR ATM is wheelchair accessible.
PLUS_ALLIANCE_NO_SURCHARGE_FEE ATM Allows customers of Financial Institutions that participate in Plus Alliance to use their ATM at no charge. Plus Alliance is a program that is only available in the U.S.
READY_LINK ATM Allows customers to add funds to their Visa Prepaid card.
LOC_DESC Description of where the ATM is located such as: Shopping Mall Name, Gas Station Name, Store Name.
RESTRICTED ATM is in a restricted area such as a secured area of a building, in an ATM room at a branch or at a club where membership is required.
BALANCE_INQUIRY ATM has balance inquiry capability.
OPER_HRS Hours of operation.
BRAILLE_AUDIO ATM has braille audio capability.
PIN_CHANGE ATM supports PIN change functionality.
AIRPORT_CD ATM is in an airport and if so, which one.
CHIP_CAPABLE ATM is chip capable.
V_PAY_CAPABLE Highly secure, chip-only, PIN based debit product issued by European banks for use in shops to make purchases and at ATMs to withdraw cash. V Pay is only available in the European Union.

Using the ATMs Inquiry Operation

This operation allows a project to retrieve complete details, such as the name, address, geo-coordinates and attributes (e.g., wheelchair accessibility) for up to 100 ATMs near a given location. The list can be modified using the same search criteria discussed above in “Totals Inquiry”.

Using the Geocode Inquiry Operation

The “Geocode Inquiry” operation returns the geo-coordinates (latitude and longitude) that correspond to a specified street address.   A user might be interested in finding ATMs starting from a location other than his or her current location.

For example, a user is in New York preparing for a business trip and is looking up ATMs in San Francisco, starting from his or her hotel in San Francisco.  Geocode Inquiry would allow the project to request the geo-coordinates of the hotel in San Francisco, using the street address of the hotel as the starting point.

  • Specify the street address for inquiry as a comma separated single string of text of the form "street, city, state, zip, country" (e.g., "101 Main St., Bigtown, OH, 10040, USA").

Using the Routes Inquiry Operation

This operation returns the route and directions between two or more specified geolocations (Latitude/Longitude). The directions can be either for walking or driving. The distance between two points and the estimate time of arrival is also provided.

If your project UI supports it, you can provide the output to a mapping service of your choice such as Google Maps or Microsoft Bing.

To use the Routes Inquiry operation, you must provide:

  • Starting location (expressed as a Latitude/Longitude pair, e.g. “Latitude": 37.394664,"Longitude": -122.062304)
  • Ending location (expressed as a Latitude/Longitude pair)
  • Routing travelMode preference, for “WALKINGTIME” or “DRIVINGTIME”.

Service Activation Requirements

As mentioned elsewhere, please note that the Routes Inquiry and Geocode Inquiry operations are provided strictly for use in conjunction with the ATM Locator functions, and are not intended to be used outside of that context.  Use of the Routes and Geocode inquiry operations outside of their intended application may void your license agreement.

Final deployment of the service is subject to Visa approval.