Visa Global ATM Locator Product Terms

Visa Global ATM Locator Product Terms

Dec. 4, 2023

If You are a Visa Member or not a Visa Member, the following Visa Product Terms apply to You:

1. You hereby agree and acknowledge that You will display the below terms and conditions (“ATM Terms and Conditions”) in full text on Your web sites or other human-readable media or display used to provide the location information provided by or accessed through use of the Visa Global ATM Locator API(s) (“ATM Locator Service Information”).  In the event that the content is displayed on a mobile device screen, or is provided by voice representation, this obligation may be satisfied by referring the user to or providing a hyperlink to a web site containing the entire terms and conditions, provided that this referral shall specify that the web site contains disclaimer and other information governing usage.

2. “The ATM Locator Service Information is the copyrighted property of [Visa Contracting Entity (see Terms of Use for exact name)] and its licensors and is sub-licensed pursuant to a license from Visa for limited, non-exclusive use.”

o The ATM Locator Service Information may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, stored or distributed in any way, except that user may download one listing (a location's name and address) on an individual non-automated basis per visiting session to the user's personal and non-commercial use, provided that such personal and non-commercial use shall not include sharing by user with other end-users, nor may it be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, stored or distributed in any way.

o User may not use any ATM Locator Service Information for the purpose of compiling, enhancing, verifying, supplementing, or otherwise modifying databases, lists, or directories of any kind, including, but not limited to, location databases, mailing lists, contact lists, marketing lists, geographical directories, or any other compilation or collation of information which is sold, rented, published, distributed or in any manner supplied to a third party.