Tap Services

Unlock contactless ’Tap’ use cases on consumer’s phone

available for use by

Acquirer Banks


Independent Developers

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Free to use in Sandbox. Contact Visa for fees in Production. Product Terms below.

A single point of access to unlock ‘Tap’ use cases on a consumer’s own device

As tapping the contactless card on a merchant device becomes the norm, Visa is bringing the convenience and security of an EMV contactless transaction into the consumer’s own device. Visa Tap Services enables consumers to tap their contactless card on their own phone to enhance various transactions such as tapping their card to add it to a digital wallet, tapping their card to use it as a step up method to prove possession, or tapping their card on someone else’s phone to send and receive funds for a person-to-person payment. 

Visa makes it simple for partners to enable these use cases by providing Kernel as a Service as a single point integration to enable them on a COTS device. 

Key Features

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Single point integration to unlock multiple card tap use cases on consumer’s own device.

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Fortifying transactions on a consumer’s own device with the security and convenience of an EMV chip transaction.

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Potential decrease in fraud and consumer friction.

Why use it?

Faster Go to Market

Visa Tap Services Kernel SDK that has been pre-certified reducing certification overhead and  helps with a quicker market launch.

Updated Feature Set

The Visa kernel will be constantly updated with latest features, new use cases and security standards. 

Packaged Branding

Tap Services SDK comes with the Visa Multi Sensory Branding SDK incorporated in it, reducing the branding requirement overhead for partners to implement the Tap Services SDK.

How Does it Work?

  1. Merchant / wallet app integrates with the Tap Services kernel SDK. 
  2. Tap Services kernel SDK drives backend integration of COTS devices to kernel services. 
  3. The kernel backend returns appropriate results depending on the use case. 

APIs Included

Device Enrollment API

Device Enrollment API is used to enroll a COTS device to Tap Services when it is invoked for the first time by the consumer for any of the permitted use cases.

Tap Services SDK for Android

Tap Services SDK is a downloadable thin client SDK provided by Visa which talks to the backend Visa Kernel as a Service and facilitates Visa card read and EMV cryptogram information.

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