Getting Started with Tap Services

Unlock contactless ’Tap’ use cases on consumer’s phone

Getting Started with Tap Services

Things to know

As a partner service provider interested in getting started with Tap Services, it’s important that you have completed the following key steps prior to moving forward.

  1. To get started with Tap Services, you will need access to the technical specifications documents and get access to the Tap Services SDK. Ensure that you have signed and completed the Tap Services Agreement with your Visa account representative to move forward.
  2. Additional agreements are required based on specific Tap Service use cases. For Tap to Add Card, you will need to sign VTS Agreement; for Tap to P2P, ensure that you have a Visa Direct Enabler, bank processor, and have signed the Visa Direct Agreement. 



The following table lists the regional availability for Tap Services APIs. To view availability of all products, refer to the Availability Matrix.

North America Asia-Pacific Europe CEMEA LAC Notes
  • Available in entire region
  • Not available
  • See notes for available countries


  • Tap to Add Card                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Tap to P2P available in the Unites States 
Not available yet
  • Tap to Add Card
  • Tap to Add Card
  • Tap to Add Card