Visa Travel Notification Service

How to Use Visa Travel Notification Service

Using the Travel Notification Service API

Visa Travel Notification Service includes one API with two resources. The first resource allows you to add, update, and delete travel itineraries. The second resource allows you to retrieve details of travel itineraries you previously submitted to Visa. The following sections provide descriptions of the Add, Update, Delete, and Retrieve operations.


The Add operation allows you to send new travel plans to Visa. When your host system receives a new travel itinerary from a cardholder (e.g. cardholder enters information into an online form, calls your automated system, or speaks to your Customer Service Representative and your Customer Service Representative manually enters the cardholder’s travel plans into your system), you are responsible for sending the travel itinerary details in an Add request. Travel itinerary details consist of the cardholder’s destination country, departure date, and return date. When Visa receives a successful Add request, Visa responds with a Travel Itinerary ID created for that travel plan.


The Update operation allows you to update details of travel itineraries you previously sent to Visa. When cardholders inform you that their travel plans have changed or you need to make a change to existing travel itineraries, you are responsible for sending the updated travel details in an Update request. When Visa receives a successful Update request, Visa replies with a confirmation that the update was successful.


The Delete operation allows you to delete travel itineraries you previously sent to Visa. When cardholders inform you that they have cancelled their travel plans or you need to delete existing travel itineraries, you are responsible for sending a Delete request. When Visa receives a successful Delete request, Visa replies with a confirmation that the deletion was successful.


The Retrieve operation allows you to request details of travel itineraries you previously sent to Visa. When Visa receives a successful Retrieve request, Visa replies with the list of travel itineraries and corresponding details that match the criteria in your request. You must follow these rules when using the Retrieve operation: 

  • The Retrieve operation is for one-off inquiries, and the service is not architected to be a data storage solution or your system of record
  • Although the Retrieve operation returns full PANs, you must not display the full PAN on any cardholder-exposed devices or screens in order to help prevent “shoulder surfing”.

For further information on the Visa Travel Notification API, refer to the API Reference.

Understanding the Visa Travel Authorization Tag

When your cardholder transacts at the travel destination and within the dates of a travel itinerary on file with Visa, Visa sends you a Visa Travel Authorization Tag in the authorization message. For further details on using the Visa Travel Authorization Tag, please see the Visa Travel Notification Service DescriptionFor details on implementing the Visa Travel Authorization Tag, refer to Article 3.4 of Visa’s October 2013 Global Technical Letter. To request a copy of the Visa Travel Notification Service Description or the October 2013 Global Technical Letter, contact [email protected].