Visa Account Updater Issuer Stop Advice API

How to Use VAU Issuer Stop Advice API

Use Cases

The VAU Issuer Stop Advice API supports the following use cases. For detailed test cases, please download the test cases under Assets.            

Use Case


Stop advice applied in both RTVAU and VAU

This use case supports an input request containing the required parameters passed validation and the stop advices are set up correctly in both Real Time VAU and VAU. 

Stop advice applied in RTVAU

The merchant CAID matched but the Stop Advice is only applied in Real Time VAU but not in VAU

Stop advice applied in VAU

The merchant CAID matched but the Stop Advice is only applied in VAU but not in Real Time VAU

Stop Advice applied to a max of 100 PANs

The input request contains 100 PANs to apply stop advice for a single merchant. The API returns success if the stop advices are set up for all 100 PANs or errors.

Sample Code Snippets

The following code snippet shows an example of a request payload with multiple PANs for some of the above use cases. The API validates issuer segment, Luhn’s (mod 10) check, account range, start and end dates format, duplicate requests etc.  The response includes whether the stop advice has been applied to VAU and Real Time VAU and rejects along with the reject description. For more details, please visit Visa Development Center and search for VAU Issuer Stop Advice API.

NOTE:  The test cases contain sample PANs and do not pass Luhn’s (Mod-10) validation. They can be used in the sandbox as is. If you are testing outside the sandbox, please turn off the check for Luhn’s (Mod-10) validation while using these PANs.


    "issuerSegmentId": 2,

    "stopadvices": [


            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4060XXXXXX00002",

            "cardAcceptorId": "19117050021",

            "merchantName": "TestMerchant",

            "startDate": "2023-08-14"

        }, {

            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4000XXXXXX000000",

            "cardAcceptorId": "59746",

            "merchantName": "TestMerchant-D162",

            "startDate": "2023-07-22"

        }, {

            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4000XXXXXX000000",

            "cardAcceptorId": "59746",

            "merchantName": "TestMerchant-D161",

            "startDate": "2023-07-23"





    "issuerSegmentId": 2,

    "responses": [


            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4060XXXXXX00002",

            "cardAcceptorId": "19117050021",

            "merchantName": "TestMerchant",

            "startDate": "2023-08-14",

            "responseCode": "1",

            "responseMessage": "Stop advice applied in both RTVAU and VAU"



    "rejects": [


            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4000000000000000",

            "cardAcceptorId": "59746",

            "merchantName": "TestMerchant-D162",

            "startDate": "2023-07-22",

            "rejectCode": "R",

            "rejectMessage": "Account number is not associated with requested segment id"



            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4000000000000000",

            "cardAcceptorId": "59746",

            "merchantName": "TestMerchant-D161",

            "startDate": "2023-07-21",

            "rejectCode": "R",

            "rejectMessage": "Account number is not associated with requested segment id"



Implementation Steps: Please refer to "Getting Started with VAU Issuer Stop Advice API"

You can find the technical specification for each alias operation on the API reference tab, and download the latest batch file processing technical specification.

Note: This service is available only in selected countries, please contact your Visa Representative for more information.