VAU Merchant Enrollment API FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions related to VAU Merchant Enrollment API

1.       What is the VAU Merchant Enrollment API?

The VAU Merchant Enrollment API is a secure, scalable, and high-performance web service/API for Acquirers to automate their VAU merchant enrollment process. The VAU Merchant Enrollment API automates the merchant enrollment process in real time when all the required information is provided and considerably saves several days in enrollment using the existing process.

2.       How does VAU Merchant Enrollment API work?

 The VAU Merchant Enrollment API takes as input either a single or multiple merchants (max: 100) in one call eliminating the need to call repeatedly to enroll merchants in real time for US merchants and non-US merchants except in those cases where additional research is required by the compliance department.

3.      Does this API replace another existing VAU process?

No, this API is not meant to replace the existing VAU Merchant Enrollment Excel file. It is an optional additional channel added to automate the merchant enrollment process in real time saving several days and enabling immediate enrollment so the merchant can start benefiting from use of VAU right away.

4.      Is the API available globally?

The API is available in regions/countries where VAU is available.

5.     If I am supporting multiple acquirers, can I use the VAU Merchant Enrollment API?

Yes. Please note that separate registration is required for each acquirer, as each acquirer has their own unique Visa Business ID and associated VAU segment IDs..

6.       What are the features of the VAU Merchant Enrollment API?

  • The following are the features of the VAU Merchant Enrollment API:
    •      Enrolls US based merchants in real time if the required data is provided and validated
    •      Enrolls non-US based merchants in real time assuming successful Global Compliance sanctions screening and the required data is provided and validated
    •      Supports single merchant per API call or multiple merchants. (max: 100 enrollments per call)

7.       What are the responses of the VAU Merchant Enrollment API?

If the VAU Merchant Enrollment API request call is successful, the API would return the following outcomes:

          Success -- when the merchant(s) are successfully enrolled.

          In-Progress – when the merchant(s) enrollment is not complete and requires additional research. 

                -- To check for updated status of merchants where “in-progress” response was provided to initial enrollment, please use VAU Merchant Search API.

          Reject – This happens either when merchant(s) did not qualify for compliance check, or, when required fields are missing. 

                               A rejected message is also provided in the response.

8.       How can an acquirer get status updates on whether a merchant was previously enrolled?

The VAU Merchant Search API is a secure, scalable, and high-performance web service/API for Acquirers to check the updated status for those merchants where initial response to enrollment was “In-progress”.  This API can also be used to check the enrollment status of any merchants previously enrolled or submitted for enrollment by the acquirer. For more information, please refer to VAU Merchant Search API FAQs.

9.      What fields are required to be included for the VAU merchant enrollment API?

  • The following fields are required:
    •      VAU Acquirer Segment ID
    •      Acquiring Bins
    •      VAU Merchant ID
    •      Card Acceptor ID (CAID)
    •      VAU Merchant Name
    •      Merchant Category Code (MCC)
    •      (ISO) Country Code – Please use the numeric country code and note that merchant country code should be the location of the merchant, not the location of the acquirer.
  • Additionally, the following optional fields are also recommended to be included:
    •      Merchant’s Internet Address
    •      Merchant’s Parent Company
    •      Merchant Descriptor
    •      Contact Name
    •      Contact Email
    •      Street Address1
    •      Street Address2
    •      City
    •      State
    •      Zip/Postal Code
    •      Contact Phone
    •      Merchant Line of Business

To ensure successful merchant enrollment and to avoid potential delays due to insufficient information, Visa highly recommends that clients should provide values for the optional fields to avoid false positives during the screening process and increase the chance of successful merchant enrollment.

10.       If I have multiple CAIDs, which one should I use?

We recommend that the mostly used CAID be used in the API request.

11.       If I have multiple MCCs, which one should I use?

We recommend that the primary MCC used in the API request.

12.       What form of ISO country code should I use?

Please use numeric ISO country code in API request.

13.       What can I include in the merchant’s name? 

The merchant name can contain the standard English characters along with few special characters (e.g. ~, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (,), _, +, `, -, =, [, {, ], }, \, ;, :, ‘, “, ,, ., >, /, ?).

Acquirers are strictly advised not to use pipe “|” in merchant name.

14.       If I already have a project created on VDC and using other APIs, do I need to create a new project and add the Merchant Enrollment API?

No. If you have a project created, you can re-use the project and select ‘Add API’ link and add VAU Merchant Enrollment API from the project dashboard.

15.       Where can I find more information on the VAU Merchant Enrollment API?

The latest information on VAU Merchant Enrollment API documentation will be available on Visa Developer Center (VDC).  We will also be updating the VAU Implementation guides in due course.

16.       Who do I need to reach out if I have more questions?

Please reach out to your Account Executive or Technical Solutions team or the client support team in your region.

17.       What is minimum and maximum of merchants that can be sent in each API call?

The minimum number of merchants is 1 and the API can handle up to 100 merchants in one call.

18.       Will the API be available 24/7?

Yes, the API will be available 24/7. The only times clients may not be able to access the API is during periods of maintenance on Visa Developer Center (VDC); and VDC will provide clients with advance notification of any planned maintenance periods.