Download Visa B2B Connect API Reference
The VISA B2B Connect REST API allows developers to perform operations from a company or bank perspective. The VISA B2B Connect API allows you to create and update profiles or retreive information that is relevant to you.
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© Copyright Visa. All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: The software and accompanying information and documentation (together, the “Software”) remain the property of and are proprietary to Visa and its suppliers and affiliates. The Software remains protected by intellectual property rights and may be covered by U.S. and foreign patents or patent applications. The Software is licensed and not sold.
By accessing the Software you are agreeing to Visa's terms of use ( and privacy policy ( In addition, all permissible uses of the Software must be in support of Visa products, programs and services provided through the Visa Developer Program (VDP) platform only ( THE SOFTWARE AND ANY ASSOCIATED INFORMATION OR DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS,” “AS AVAILABLE,” “WITH ALL FAULTS” BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND. YOUR USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Sandbox server
{- "bankProfile": {
- "unifiedPaymentId": [
- "8891122"
], - "address": {
- "zipCode": "78729",
- "unitNo": "120",
- "city": "Austin",
- "countryIsoCode": 840,
- "state": "Texas",
- "line1": "12401 Los Indios Trl",
- "countryDisplayName": "USA"
}, - "defaultCurrency": "USD",
- "frequencyType": "Upon Payment",
- "primaryContact": {
- "phone": "897-099-7878",
- "jobTitle": "SVP",
- "name": "Jim Smith",
- "email": ""
}, - "clearingMemberIdType": null,
- "settlementAccountBic": [
], - "bankName": "XYZ",
- "defaultCurrencyIsoCode": 840,
- "recipientEmail": "",
- "clearingMemberId": null,
- "secondaryContact": {
- "phone": "897-099-7878",
- "jobTitle": "SVP",
- "name": "Jim Smith",
- "email": ""
}, - "lastUpdated": "11/02/2023",
- "supportedCurrencies": [
- {
- "currencyAlphaCode": "USD",
- "default": true,
- "currencyIsoCode": 840
}, - {
- "currencyAlphaCode": "BEF",
- "default": false,
- "currencyIsoCode": 56
], - "bankId": "89000100",
- "blockedCorridors": {
- "blockedCountries": [
- {
- "blockedDesc": "VISABLOCKED",
- "countryCode": "CUB",
- "isoCountryCode": 192,
- "countryDisplayName": "CUBA"
}, - "statusText": "In Process",
- "bankBic": "BARCGB22",
- "transactionLimits": {
- "customLimits": true,
- "dailyVolume": "99999999990",
- "singleTransaction": "250000"