Visa ID & Credential

Lifecycle Management Tool for Click to Pay

available for use by

Issuer Banks

Acquirer Banks


Regional Availability

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  • N. America
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Europe
  • LAC

Improve user experience and security for your customers.

This is a lifecycle management tool for Click to Pay Issuers.

How Does it Work?

Step 1


Gathers consumer data for consumers wishing to participate in Click to Pay, in accordance with all applicable laws (e.g., having provided all required disclosures and obtained appropriate authorization for data use)

Step Two


Submits enrollment data and indicates the product to enroll it to (e.g., Click to Pay)

Step Three


Enrolls the data to the relevant product

Step Four


Integrates with any product specific APIs to enable full product functionality. 

APIs Included

Enroll Data APIs

Enroll payment instrument and consumer information

Lifecycle Management APIs

Get, update, delete consumer and payment instrument information

Status API

Helps Issuers/Client to find out status of data changes submitted to Visa

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