Visa Merchant Offers Resource Center Product Terms

Visa Merchant Offers Resource Center Product Terms

Dec. 4, 2023

If You are a Visa Member or not a Visa Member, the following Visa Product Terms apply to You:

1. You shall not extract current Visa offers accessible from the Visa Merchant Offers Resource Center (“VMORC”) including images, offer details and terms and conditions thereof (collectively, the “Offer Content”) except in accordance with these terms to display such Offer Content on Your own website, social channels and/or mobile applications (“Your Channels”) using the VMORC API, as provided to You by Visa; and/or  Visa Merchant Offers Widget(s)  (hereinafter “Widget(s)”), HTML code which You can insert on Your Channels to display the Offer Content in a specific pre-formatted manner.

2. Except for layout and image sizing/scaling to fit the appropriate screen, all Offer Content displayed on Your Channels must remain as-is (including, but not limited to, the referenced Merchant and Visa Rules referenced in each offer), and no other modifications can be made without Visa’s prior written approval.

3. For the avoidance of doubt, all rights and ownership of the Offer Content remains the sole and exclusive property of Visa.  You must refresh all Offer Content accessible through the VMORC API and/or Widget(s) and displayed on Your Channels every twelve (12) hours or as instructed by Visa, to ensure Offer Content is up-to-date.  You will follow all administrative and operational instructions from Visa.

4. You represent and warrant that Offer Content using the VMORC API or Widget(s), promoted through Your Channels to Visa cardholders is (a) identical and limited to the targeted jurisdiction by You for which the Offer Content is designated; and (b) compliant with applicable Laws in Your jurisdiction as well as the jurisdiction where the Offer Content is being provided.

In addition to the above terms, if You are not a Visa Member the following Visa Product Terms apply to You:

1. If You are providing services in the capacity of a Service Provider, You agree to provide the use of Offer Content to Visa for approval prior to the provision of such Offer Content to any new third party.  In addition Service Provider shall provide a list of all third parties it intends on providing Offer Content for display.

2. The VMORC API is only accessible by and available to Merchants (as defined under the Visa Rules) and service providers providing contractually-bound information-technology-development services on behalf of Visa Members (“Service Provider”). Each individual Merchant or Service Provider shall be known as “You” in the above terms.