Test Procedures & Requirements

The Visa Global Accessibility Requirements (VGAR) is a combination of requirements and complimentary test procedures that help teams implement and verify accessible web experiences.

For accessibility testing, the tester simply executes the test cases and determines whether each page being tested passes or fails the test case. When a failure is found, the tester then documents the failure and provides it to the development team for remediation.  The development team subsequently references both the identified failure and the corresponding requirement to assist in the remediation effort.

Test Order    |    Requirement Order

Test Order

1 NAV-WEB-001-03-T W3C Markup Validation Service Application Review Confirm that 3rd party tools, plugins, and applets are not be used in the web application unless absolutely necessary.
2 PAG-WEB-010-01-T W3C Markup Validation Service Automated Test Run an automated validation tool against the page and confirm that it reports no errors.
3 INT-WEB-001-09-T ANDI Automated Test 1) Run Accessibility Insights Fast Pass
2) Review the results of the Accessibility Insights Assessment automated checks under 'autocomplete-valid' and correct any errors detected.
3) Next, inspect the rendered DOM and confirm that any fields which have the HTML autocomplete or auto fill attribute have the correct, valid value for the specified input type.
4 PAG-WEB-001-01-T ANDI Valid HTML
  1. Open About the Nu HTML Checker <https://validator.w3.org/nu/about.html> in a new browser window.
  2. Add these two bookmarklets to your browser bookmarks:
    1. Check serialized DOM of current page: grabs the serialized DOM of whatever page you’re currently browsing and sends it to the checker
    2. Check for WCAG 2.0 parsing compliance: filters checker results to just show messages relevant to requirements in the WCAG 2.1 spec (Mouse users can simply drag the corresponding links from the page to the browser bookmarks bar. Keyboard users can follow these instructions.)
  3. Run the first bookmarklet in the browser tab containing your target page. It will send the page's DOM to the checker and show the results in a new browser tab.
  4. Run the second bookmarklet in the browser tab containing the checker results. It will filter the results to show only WCAG parsing errors.
  5. Examine the filtered results to verify that there are no errors related to:
    1. Missing start or end tags 
    2. Duplicate attributes
    3. Improper nesting of elements
5 PAG-WEB-002-01-T ANDI Valid HTML 1) Run an HTML automated validation tool on the page
2) Check the page for the presence of a valid docypte declaration
6 NAV-WEB-002-02-T Screen Reader Keyboard Focus Tab through the entire page and confirm that disabled elements do not receive visible keyboard focus unless the control is listed in the exceptions list
7 INT-WEB-008-01-T Screen Reader Moving & Blinking 1) Perform a visual inspection of the page
2) Confirm that each page contains no content that blinks or flashes.
8 INT-WEB-007-01-T Screen Reader Moving & Blinking 1) Perform a visual inspection of the page
2) Confirm that for any content that meets the following criteria, a mechanism is provided to pause, play, or hide the applicable content:
• Starts automatically
• Is presented in parallel with other content
• moves, blinks or scrolls for >5 seconds
• All auto-updating content regardless of the time of duration
9 CON-WEB-006-01-T Screen Reader Visual Check 1) Review any instruction text (on-screen and screen reader only)
2) Confirm that Instructions and interactions never refer solely to visual cues such as size, shape, color, or spatial directions.
10 NAV-WEB-005-01-T Visual Inspection Visual Check

1) Review the page and site navigation structure
2) Confirm that the site provides at least 2 of the following ways to find content (unless the page is a step in or result of a process):
-Links to navigate to related Web pages
-Table of Contents
-Site Map
-Search function
-List of links to all other Web pages
-Linking to all of the pages on the site from the home page

Exception: Small sites (4 pages or fewer) can meet this requirement if the main navigation menu links to all other pages.

11 VIS-WEB-001-05-T Screen Reader Visual Check 1) Load the page in the browser of your choice.
2) Run the Text Spacing Bookmarklet
3) Perform a visual inspection of the content and confirm that there is not a resulting loss of content or meaning.
12 VIS-WEB-001-04-T Screen Reader Visual Check 1) Use your system's display settings to set the display resolution to 1280 x 1024.
2) Use your browser's settings to set the target page's zoom to 400%
3) Examine the target page to verify that all text content is available without horizontal scrolling. Content can be displayed directly in the page, revealed via accessible controls, or accessed via direct links.
13 VIS-WEB-002-01-T Screen Reader Visual Check 1) Perform a visual inspection of the page
2) Confirm that whenever a difference in color is used to convey information, that information is also be available in text or through some other alternative method.
14 NAV-WEB-006-01-T Screen Reader Visual Check 1) Perform a visual inspection of the page looking for navigation components
2) Confirm that navigation components that appear on multiple pages appear in the same relative order on every page
15 NAV-WEB-006-02-T Screen Reader Visual Check Confirm that content with the same functionality has consistent labels, names, and text alternatives.
16 VIS-WEB-005-01-T Screen Reader Images Using images automated validation tool, confirm that all non-text content provides text alternatives that provide equivalent information, context, and purpose to the user.

Note: Given the variety of possibilities, testers may need to investigate further than the above steps (e.g. Browser Code Inspection).
17 VIS-WEB-005-02-T Screen Reader Images Confirm that all non-text content that is decorative, provides no contextual value, or is already defined by surrounding text is hidden from the user using the following techniques (as applicable):
• For <img> elements, provide alt="" (alt null)
• For other non-text content, aria-hidden="true"
18 INT-WEB-004-07-T ANDI Modal Click Click outside the modal window with the mouse and confirm that it has no effect on the modal.
19 INT-WEB-005-04-T Screen Reader Mouse Click Confirm that there are no actions which are completed using the down-event from mouse or touch input OR that there is a way for the user to abort or undo the action OR that the up-event allows the user to reverse any outcome of the preceding down-event.
20 VIS-WEB-004-01-T Accessibility Insights Select Text Using the mouse, click and drag over all text on the page to select it.
HTML text will be selectable. Text that is part of an image will show the entire image being highlighted.
Confirm that text is presented using text rather than in an image of text, except for logos and within pictures where it cannot be avoided (e.g., graphs or screenshots).
21 INT-WEB-007-02-T Keyboard Audio Control Confirm that for any audio which 1) plays automatically and 2) lasts for >3 seconds, ONE of the following is true:
• A mechanism to pause the content is presented to the user.
• A mechanism for adjusting the volume of the content is presented to the user AND it does not rely on the system audio levels to adjust the volume.
22 VIS-WEB-006-01-T Keyboard Audio Visual Confirm that all video content (live AND prerecorded) provides accurate captions via an accessible mechanism.
23 VIS-WEB-006-02-T NA Audio Visual Confirm that any video content that provides information visually that is not described by the default audio track provides that information via an Audio Description track that fully explains the visual information.
24 VIS-WEB-006-03-T Keyboard Audio Visual Confirm that If an Audio Description track cannot fully explain the visual information during gaps in dialog on the default video, Extended Audio Description is used, where the video is paused at appropriate times to allow for the descriptions to finish.
25 VIS-WEB-006-04-T Keyboard Audio Visual Captions and Audio Description MUST be made available to users via one or more of the following methods (both need not use the same method):
always on, included in the original video(open captions)
included as a separate file or track that can be toggled on and off by the user via an accessible mechanism (note: use of Extended Audio Description may complicate this)
included as a video file and made available via a separate link(s) adjacent to the original video link
26 VIS-WEB-006-05-T Mouse Audio Visual A transcript which provides the same information as presented in the original media content MUST be made available for all audio-only AND/OR video-only content.
27 INT-WEB-009-01-T Keyboard Timeout Confirm that users are warned prior to when a session times out and expires.
28 INT-WEB-009-02-T Keyboard Timeout Confirm that users are given at least 20 seconds to take action in order to avoid a session time out by extending the time limit (of a session) via a "simple" user action (e.g., "press the space bar").
29 CON-WEB-007-01-T Keyboard Language Confirm that a lang attribute is set on every word or phrase that is in a different language than the page’s main language.
30 PAG-WEB-004-01-T Accessibility Insights Language Inspect the HTML DOM and confirm that a <lang> attribute is present
Confirm that the <lang> attribute is correct for the language of the page content
31 CON-WEB-008-01-T Accessibility Insights Tables Run tables automated validation tool and review the tables on the page, confirming that no tables are used for layout purposes.
32 CON-WEB-008-02-T Accessibility Insights Tables Run tables automated validation tool and review the tables on the page. Confirm that <th> elements are used as appropriate and every <th> element has scope as appropriate. If present, confirm that headers point to the correct <th> elements' IDs.
33 INT-WEB-001-10-T Accessibility Insights Labels Determine whether or not any controls have a programmatic/accessible name value that is different from the visual label by inspecting each control's naming element (view HTML DOM) and comparing it to the visual label. For any control that has a different visual label and programmatic name, confirm that the programmatic/accessible name value includes the visual label text at the beginning of the text string.
34 INT-WEB-002-01-T Keyboard Forms Confirm that if a page accepts user input it also checks for errors and allows the user to correct them.
35 INT-WEB-002-04-T Keyboard Forms Confirm that when an error is detected using client side in-line validation, the visual UI highlights the fields with errors (e.g., with a red border) and places error helper text above or below each one
36 INT-WEB-002-02-T Accessibility Insights Forms Confirm that If user input is collected across multiple pages in order to execute a transaction of some kind, the user is presented with a summary of the input before submitting.
37 INT-WEB-001-04-T Keyboard Form Labels Run Automated Checks in Accessibility Insights and review the results for the 'Label' test
38 CON-WEB-004-01-T Keyboard Paragraphs If a page contains paragraphs visually, pull up the source code and confirm that those paragraphs are marked up properly (i.e., with <p> elements).
39 CON-WEB-002-01-T Visual Inspection Text Whenever content conveys information through presentation of text, confirm that appropriate semantic markup is being used (e.g., em, strong, cite, blockquote, sub, and sup).
40 CON-WEB-004-02-T Visual Inspection Lists Confirm that groups of items (e.g., a navigation menu or group of tabs) on the page are marked up as lists.
41 NAV-WEB-006-03-T Visual Inspection Links   Bring up the list of links with a links automated validation tool (which also shows the HREF of links, target, etc., unlike any screen reader's links list). Confirm that links with the same HREF have the same link text and vice versa; and links with different HREFs have different link text and vice versa.
42 CON-WEB-003-01-T ANDI Content Order Disable styles, linearizing the page and confirm that the logical order of content is present in the code order.
43 CON-WEB-003-02-T Keyboard Content Order Disable styles and confirm that "hidden" content being "parked" for later use/display is located at the bottom of the document.
44 CON-WEB-001-03-T Accessibility Insights Content Order Using headings and ARIA automated validation tool, confirm that the H1 is within and at the top of the Main ARIA Landmark, with no content above it.
45 VIS-WEB-003-01-T Screen Reader Contrast Use CCA tool to check color contrast ratio of text, and images of text to their backgrounds. Use the eye  dropper tool to check any text that is missed by the automated scan. If a failure is identified with the automated scan which seems questionable use the eye dropper tool to double check. Contrast ratio MUST be at least 4.5:1, except if the text is 18 point or 14 point bold or larger, where a ratio of 3:1 is then required.

Note: All of this information will be provided in the contrast validation tool's side panel, except for text that is not HTML text or an HTML colored background (e.g., text over a gradient image). In this case, use the color picker tool from the panel to pick samples and determine if the text fails in any places.
46 VIS-WEB-003-03-T Screen Reader Contrast Confirm that all user interface components and graphical objects have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent colors including the background and other non-text objects by using the eye dropper tool in CCA
47 VIS-WEB-003-02-T Screen Reader Contrast Check that a link or control exists on the original page that provides access to the alternate version.
Check that the link or control on the original page conforms to all success criteria for the conformance level being tested.
Check that the alternate version meets the contrast and all other success criteria for the conformance level being tested.
48 VIS-WEB-003-04-T Screen Reader Contrast Turn on browser or system high contrast mode and confirm that all content adapts and remains visible
49 NAV-WEB-003-03-T Screen Reader Landmarks Using the Accessibility Insights Landmarks tool, examine the landmark regions in the page and confirm that:
1) All page content is within a landmark region
2) All primary page content is within the Main landmark region
3) No content that repeats on multiple pages is within the Main landmark region
50 NAV-WEB-007-01-T Screen Reader Landmarks Confirm that any pagination controls on the screen have role="navigation".
51 CON-WEB-001-01-T Accessibility Insights Headings
  1. Open ANDI > Structures > Headings > View Headings List
  2. View all headings instances listed below the 'View headings list' button
  3. Confirm that each page organizes content using headings (e.g., H1, H2, etc.) and that all content which serves as a heading visually and structurally is also exposed as a heading programmatically.
  4. Confirm that the page headings accurately describe their sub-content
52 CON-WEB-001-02-T Screen Reader Headings Confirm that each  page has only one H1.
53 CON-WEB-001-04-T Screen Reader Headings Headings MUST occur in a sequential and increasing order (i.e., Heading 1, then Heading 2, then Heading 3 and so on, no skipping numbers).
54 NAV-WEB-003-07-T Screen Reader Headings Confirm that if HTML5 sections are used within the "Main" ARIA Landmark role they do not interfere with a properly nested heading structure.
55 INT-WEB-001-06-T Browser - Inspect Code Headings If more than one distinct group of related form controls is present and fieldsets are not used to group the controls, confirm that they controls are grouped using headings.
56 PAG-WEB-003-02-T ANDI Page Title Verify that the page title is unique and conforms to a consistent structure among the other pages.
57 NAV-WEB-008-02-T Visual Inspection Page Title Confirm that any process or wizard step indicator information, if present, is included in the page title and H1.
58 CON-WEB-009-01-T Visual Inspection Page Title Confirm that the following are consistent on each page:
• Page title
• Current Navigation menu item
• Progress Indicator / Wizard Step (if present)
• Top-level heading (H1)
• referring link (if present)
59 PAG-WEB-003-01-T Screen Reader Page Title Inspect the HTML DOM and confirm that a <title> element is present.
Verify that the page title provided is accurate and descriptive of the purpose of the page and content.
60 NAV-WEB-004-01-T Visual Inspection AccessKeys Confirm that no accesskeys are used on the page.
61 PAG-WEB-005-01-T Screen Reader iframes Confirm that iframes are only used when no reasonable alternative exists.
62 NAV-WEB-003-05-T Screen Reader Skip Links Refresh the page and identify the location of keyboard focus. If the page has a "login" feature available and focus is not automatically placed in the login control on page load, Hit Tab after the page loads.  Confirm that the first link on the page is "skip to login" - it may be visibly hidden until it receives focus.
63 NAV-WEB-003-06-T Screen Reader Skip Links Hit Tab after the page loads.  Confirm that the first or second link on the page is "skip to content" - it may be visibly hidden until it receives focus.
64 NAV-WEB-001-04-T Screen Reader Keyboard Focus Run through all use cases using keyboard only (i.e., without a mouse), confirm that no UI elements take control of keyboard focus unless they also return focus.
65 NAV-WEB-002-01-T Screen Reader Keyboard Focus Tab through the entire page and confirm that the keyboard focus indicator is always clearly visible.
66 NAV-WEB-002-03-T Screen Reader Keyboard Focus Tab through the entire page and confirm that the tab order matches the logical order of the content.
67 NAV-WEB-001-08 -T Screen Reader Keyboard Focus 1) Use the keyboard to navigate to all tooltips and components that show hidden content when they receive keyboard or pointer focus and hide it after removal of focus
2) ensure they are dismissible, hoverable, and persistent.
68 NAV-WEB-001-09-T Screen Reader Keyboard Focus 1. Use the keyboard to navigate to all path-based or multipoint gesture operable controls and confirm that they can all be operated with keyboard control

2. Use the mouse to interact with all path-based or multipoint gesture operable controls and confirm that they can all be operated with a single pointer gesture control as well.
69 NAV-WEB-006-04-T Screen Reader Keyboard Functionality Confirm that the scrollable div can be scrolled using keyboard only.
70 NAV-WEB-004-02-T Keyboard Keyboard Functionality Confirm that where a single character shortcut is used that users have the option to either turn it off or remap it to one or more non-printable keyboard characters.
Make sure the single character shortcut is only active when the component it affects has focus.
71 NAV-WEB-001-02-T Keyboard Keyboard Functionality Run through all use cases using the keyboard only (i.e., without a mouse), confirm that any "mouseover" events are available to the keyboard when the keyboard focus is placed on the element.
72 NAV-WEB-001-01-T-T Mouse Keyboard Functionality Run through all use cases using keyboard only (i.e., without a mouse), confirming that all features and functionality are fully available to users.
73 INT-WEB-004-05-T Screen Reader Keyboard Modal Confirm that when a modal window pops up, focus is set to the appropriate content. If the modal is primarily presenting text (including links), confirm that focus is placed on the heading or beginning of the text content. If the modal's goal is using interactive elements (i.e. form, button, etc.), confirm that focus is placed on the first interactive element inside the modal, excluding any close button(s).
74 INT-WEB-004-06-T Keyboard Keyboard Modal Tab through each modal window and confirm that the user can move through the modal's focusable elements, "wrapping around" from bottom-to-top and top-to-bottom using the <TAB> and <SHIFT>+<TAB> keyboard events.
75 INT-WEB-004-09-T Keyboard Keyboard Modal Hit ESC and confirm that the modal closes.
76 INT-WEB-004-10-T Screen Reader Keyboard Modal After hitting ESC to close the modal, confirm that focus is restored to the triggering element on the page.
77 INT-WEB-003-02-T Screen Reader JS Events Confirm that system and success messages are only presented to users after a button press or on page load.
78 INT-WEB-005-01-T Screen Reader JS Events Interact with each form control and confirm that no actions take place onchange or on focus.
79 INT-WEB-005-02-T Mouse JS Events Interact with each form control and confirm that no actions take place on blur (rather they require a go button) unless this is absolutely necessary.
80 VIS-WEB-001-03-T Browser - Inspect Code Zoom Text Using the browser's built in functionality, set the browser to a width of 1280px and then increase the zoom level to 200% and confirm that when an action is initiated that results in changed content:
1) clear visual cue is provided within the currently viewed area indicating a change has occurred outside of currently viewed area OR
2) the resulting change can be observed within the current view.
81 VIS-WEB-001-02-T ANDI Zoom Text Use browser zoom to magnify your viewport to 200% and confirm that all interactive content remains fully usable.
82 VIS-WEB-001-01-T ANDI Zoom Text Use browser zoom to magnify your viewport to 200% and confirm that text is not clipped, truncated, or obscured
83 PAG-WEB-009-04-T Browser - Inspect Code Screen Reader Page Title Confirm that the "page" title is read aloud by each supported screen reader on page load or when the URI changes on Single Page Architecture web applications. 
84 PAG-WEB-009-07-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Landmarks Bring up the list of Landmark roles (or cycle through each if a list is not available) with each supported screen reader and confirm that all Landmark regions are accurately identified.
85 NAV-WEB-003-01-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Landmarks Open the page in the Chrome browser and use the Accessibility Insights Landmarks tool to visualize the landmark regions that are present in the page. Confirm that the page has a 'Main' landmark region defined at a minimum. Confirm that the Banner, Navigation, and ContentInfo roles are present if these content types are present in the page.
86 NAV-WEB-003-02-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Landmarks Using the Accessibility Insights Landmarks tool, examine the landmark regions in the page and confirm that there are not any redundant roles resulting from the use of HTML5 Section elements.
87 PAG-WEB-009-08-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Landmarks If there are multiple landmarks of the same type, cycle through each with each supported screen reader and confirm that each is named uniquely and identified by the screen reader reading both the role and label.
88 NAV-WEB-003-04-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Landmarks Review all of the landmark roles and confirm that if the page has multiple landmarks of the same type (e.g., Main Nav and Sub Nav), that each also has a unique name that does not include the landmark role type in the name.
89 PAG-WEB-009-09-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Headings Bring up the list of headings (or cycle through each if a list is not available) with each supported screen reader and confirm that all headings are accurately read.
90 PAG-WEB-005-02-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Iframes Bring up the list of iframes (or cycle through each if a list is not available) and confirm that each iframe designed for user interaction has a unique, descriptive, and consistent title.
91 PAG-WEB-009-05-T Keyboard
Screen Reader Iframes Bring up the list of frames (or cycle through each if a list is not available) with each supported screen reader and confirm that all iframes designed for user interaction have their titles read aloud. 
92 PAG-WEB-005-03-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Iframes Bring up the list of iframes (or cycle through each if a list is not available) and confirm that each Frame designed for "system use" are not in the list. Confirm that iframes that users SHOULD not interact with are hidden from all users by:
• Set CSS style to display:none
• Set aria-hidden attribute to true for the iframe
93 PAG-WEB-009-06-T System Settings Screen Reader Iframes Bring up the list of iframes (or cycle through each if a list is not available) with each supported screen reader and confirm that iframes designed for "system use" are not read aloud.
94 CON-WEB-005-01-T NA Screen Reader Links Bring up the list of links with each supported screen reader if available and confirm that all link text describes the destination or purpose of every link in a way that makes the destination or purpose clear to all users when taken out of context (i.e., in a list of links for the page). Some of the link text may be hidden via CSS provided the text left visible makes sense when taken in context of the enclosing sentence, table header(s) or preceding heading.
95 PAG-WEB-009-10-T ANDI Screen Reader Links Bring up the list of links with each supported screen reader if available and confirm link text is present and read accurately for each link.
96 INT-WEB-006-02-T ANDI Screen Reader Links Bring up the list of links with each supported screen reader if available and confirm link text is unique and descriptive.
97 INT-WEB-006-03-T ANDI Screen Reader Links Bring up the list of links with each supported screen reader if available and confirm no links HREF points to "javascript:void(0);" nor "#".
98 CON-WEB-008-03-T ANDI Screen Reader Tables Bring up the list of tables (or cycle through each if a list is not available) with each supported screen reader and confirm that each table is identified.
99 CON-WEB-008-04-T Browser - Inspect Code Screen Reader Tables Bring up the list of tables (or cycle through each if a list is not available) with each supported screen reader and confirm that each table with more than 4 THs has its layout/functionality described after the "title".
100 CON-WEB-008-05-T Web Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar (WAVE) Screen Reader Tables - Sorting Use a screen reader to access any table sorting functionality on the page. Confirm that sorting state is announced to the screen reader and that all sorting controls are keyboard accessible. 
101 INT-WEB-010-01-T Web Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar (WAVE) Screen Reader Custom Controls Interact with each custom control using a screen reader. Confirm that each custom control's name reads properly.  
102 INT-WEB-010-02-T Browser - Inspect Code Screen Reader Custom Controls Interact with each custom control using a screen reader. Confirm that each control properly emulates the native control, announcing appropriate name, role, state, values, and properties. 
103 INT-WEB-010-03-T Browser - Inspect Code Screen Reader Custom Controls Interact with each custom control or element using a screen reader. Confirm that interaction is possible using the expected native keyboard commands or that clear instructions are provided to the user before the element.
104 INT-WEB-010-04-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Custom Controls Interact with all expanding and collapsing controls and elements using a screen reader. Confirm that the current state of each expanding/collapsing control is read when the element receives focus and when any user action is taken on the element. For instance, tabbing to an expanding navigation item SHOULD read the element name and the current state (e.g. Expanded or Collapsed). When ENTER is pressed on the element the new state SHOULD be read.
105 NAV-WEB-007-02-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Landmarks Cycle through each landmark role with each supported screen reader and confirm that any pagination controls have the word "Pagination" included in their aria-label.
106 INT-WEB-001-01-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Forms Tab through each control on the page and confirm that each form control has a unique label attribute that fully describes the control’s purpose, including any supplementary information provided by the visual presentation. 
107 INT-WEB-001-02-T Browser - Inspect Code Screen Reader Forms Tab through each control on the page and confirm that field formatting is included in the label if necessary, AND each form control label reads out properly.
108 INT-WEB-001-05-T ANDI Screen Reader Forms If fieldsets are used on the page to group more than one distinct group of related form controls, confirm that the legends read properly, i.e., before each label for the controls in the given fieldset.
109 INT-WEB-001-08-T ANDI Screen Reader Forms Tab through each control on the page and confirm that helper text is read after the label for each form control that has helper text.
110 INT-WEB-002-05-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Forms 1) Enter invalid data in a form field.
2) Use the screen reader to navigate away from the field and confirm that after navigating away from the field aria-invalid="true" is added to the field and error helper text is associated using aria-describedby and this information is announced by the screen reader
111 INT-WEB-001-07-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Forms

1) Ensure that required fields are identified visually with text at the beginning of the form or in-line.

2) Tab through each control on the page and confirm that each required form control is announced as such by each supported screen reader.

112 INT-WEB-002-06-T Screen Reader Screen Reader Forms Fill out all client-side validated form controls with invalid data, return to the top of the form, and tab through all invalid form controls with each screen reader and confirm that on focus, invalid form controls are announced as such and that the text of the error helper text is read aloud.
113 INT-WEB-002-03-T Browser - Inspect Code Screen Reader Forms Tab through each control on the page and confirm that no form controls announce as invalid if they are not invalid.
114 INT-WEB-002-07-T System Settings Screen Reader Forms
  1. Use the screen reader to submit the form containing fields with errors
  2. Confirm that the screen reader announces the error message added to the top of the page on page/view refresh
  3. Confirm that focus is automatically set on the first invalid form control
  4. Confirm that moving to each field with an error causes the screen reader to announce that the field is invalid along with the error helper text
  5. Confirm that in-line field errors are identified correctly per INT-002-03, INT-002-04, INT-002-05, and INT-002-06
  6. Inline errors SHOULD disappear when they have been corrected in the form.
115 INT-WEB-005-03-T System Settings Screen Reader Forms Interact with each form control that uses an on blur event to cause a "significant" change to a page, the page visually describes what will happen via a textual description to the user prior the control being triggered, and that description is also read to the user after the label, on focus.
116 INT-WEB-006-01-T System Settings Screen Reader Forms Inspect each button and link element and confirm that each element has a defined role which is accurate for the element's purpose implemented through correct use of native element or ARIA role. 
117 PAG-WEB-009-03-T System Settings Screen Reader Alerts When the user takes an action resulting in a visual change to the screen above the focus (e.g., user entered a Visa card number and the Visa logo above the input highlights onblur), each supported screen reader announces the change to the user.
118 PAG-WEB-009-02-T Text Spacing Bookmarklet Screen Reader Alerts Confirm that when alerts are shown on screen (i.e., success, error, or status/informative) they are also read aloud by each supported screen reader. 
119 INT-WEB-003-01-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Alerts Confirm that the contents of system and success messages are read aloud to the user when they appear.
120 INT-WEB-001-03-T Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) Screen Reader Labels Confirm that when visual presentation provides context not provided in a label,  that the necessary context is read aloud by the screen reader along with the visible label.
121 CON-WEB-006-02-T Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) or Chrome Dev Tools color eyedropper Screen Reader Labels Confirm that text labels and/or names are used when providing instructions to allow users who cannot perceive other indicators to locate elements.
122 INT-WEB-004-01-T System Settings Screen Reader Modals Confirm that when a modal dialog opens that the screen reader announces it as a dialog.
123 INT-WEB-004-02-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Modals Confirm that when a modal window pops up, the modal's main heading or title is read aloud to the user.
124 INT-WEB-004-03-T Accessibility Insights Screen Reader Modals Confirm that when a modal window pops up, any helpful information that is above the first focusable element is read aloud after the modal's main heading or title.
125 INT-WEB-004-04-T Accessibility Insights Screen Reader Modals Confirm that focus is trapped inside all modal windows by cycling through headings, landmark roles, and links with each supported screen reader and confirming that focus stays within the modal and doesn't move the screen behind.
126 PAG-WEB-008-01-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Hidden Content Run through the page with a screen reader, confirm that content included for screen readers but to be hidden visually (e.g., hidden Headings to provide content structure that is visually implied) is reading for screen readers but not onscreen.
127 PAG-WEB-008-02-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Hidden Content Run through the page with a screen reader, confirm that content that SHOULD be hidden from screen readers (but not sighted users) is shown on screen but not showing up for screen readers.
128 PAG-WEB-008-03-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Hidden Content Run through the page with a screen reader, confirm that content that SHOULD be hidden from all users is neither available onscreen or to a screen reader.
129 NAV-WEB-008-01-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Forms Read any process or Wizard Step Indicators with screen reader and confirm it provides context and status to screen readers (e.g., "Current Step: Add Card, Step 2 of 4").
130 PAG-WEB-009-01-T Visual Inspection Screen Reader Features Run through all use cases with each supported screen reader, confirming that all features and functionality are fully available to non-sighted users.
131 INT-WEB-011-01-T NA Device Orientation Set display orientation to each orientation mode (portrait and landscape) and review how the content responds
132 INT-WEB-011-02-T NA Motion Control For all functionality that can be operated or activated by moving the device or user motion input confirm that the same functionality can be operated or activated through UI components AND confirm that the motion actuation can be turned off by the user

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