Request & Response Codes
Product ID (cardProductId)
Code | Description | Code | Description |
A | Visa Traditional | M | MasterCard |
AX | American Express | N | Visa Platinum |
B | Visa Traditional Rewards | N1 | Visa Rewards |
C | Visa Signature | N2 | Visa Select |
D | Visa Signature Preferred | P | Visa Gold |
DI | Discover | Q | Private Label |
DN | Diners | Q1 | Private Label Prepaid |
E | Proprietary ATM | Q2 | Private Label Basic |
F | Visa Classic | Q3 | Private Label Standard |
G | Visa Business | Q4 | Private Label Enhanced |
G1 | Visa Signature Business | Q5 | Private Label Specialized |
G2 | Visa Business Check Card | Q6 | Private Label Premium |
G3 | Visa Business Enhanced | R | Proprietary |
G4 | Visa Infinite Business | S | Visa Purchasing |
G5 | Visa Business Rewards | S1 | Visa Purchasing with Fleet |
I | Visa Infinite | S2 | Visa Government Purchasing |
I1 | Visa Infinite Privilege | S3 | Visa Government Purchasing with Fleet |
I2 | Visa UHNW | S4 | Visa Commercial Agriculture |
J3 | Visa Healthcare | S5 | Visa Commercial Transport |
JC | JCB | S6 | Visa Commercial Marketplace |
K | Visa Corporate T&E | U | Visa Travel Money |
K1 | Visa Government Corporate T&E | V | Visa V PAY |
L | Visa Electron |
Product Sub-Type (cardProductSubtype)
Code | Description | Code | Description |
AC | Agriculture Maintenance Account | LP | Visa Large Purchase Advantage |
AE | Agriculture Debit Account/Electron | MA | Visa Mobile Agent |
AG | Agriculture | MB | Interoperable Mobile Branchless Banking |
AI | Agriculture Investment Loan | MG | Visa Mobile General |
CG | Brazil Cargo | VA | Visa Vale - Supermarket |
CS | Construction | VF | Visa Vale - Fuel |
DS | Distribution | VR | Visa Vale - Restaurant |
HC | Healthcare |
Card Type (cardTypeCode)
Code | Description | Code | Description |
C | Credit | P | Prepaid |
D | Debit | R | Deferred Debit |
H | Charge Card |
Card Sub-Type
Code | Description | Code | Description |
N | Non-Reloadable | R | Reloadable |
ISO Country Codes
Country Name | Country Code (2-char.) | Country Code (3-char.) | Country Code (numeric) | Phone Calling Code |
Afghanistan | AF | AFG | 4 | 93 |
Albania | AL | ALB | 8 | 355 |
Algeria | DZ | DZA | 12 | 213 |
American Samoa | AS | ASM | 16 | 684 |
Andorra | AD | AND | 20 | 376 |
Angola | AO | AGO | 24 | 244 |
Anguilla | AI | AIA | 660 | 264 |
Antarctica | AQ | ATA | 10 | N/A |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | ATG | 28 | 268 |
Argentina | AR | ARG | 32 | 54 |
Armenia | AM | ARM | 51 | 374 |
Aruba | AW | ABW | 533 | 297 |
Australia | AU | AUS | 36 | 61 |
Austria | AT | AUT | 40 | 43 |
Azerbaijan | AZ | AZE | 31 | 994 |
Bahamas | BS | BHS | 44 | 242 |
Bahrain | BH | BHR | 48 | 973 |
Bangladesh | BD | BGD | 50 | 880 |
Barbados | BB | BRB | 52 | 246 |
Belarus | BY | BLR | 112 | 375 |
Belgium | BE | BEL | 56 | 32 |
Belize | BZ | BLZ | 84 | 501 |
Benin | BJ | BEN | 204 | 229 |
Bermuda | BM | BMU | 60 | 441 |
Bhutan | BT | BTN | 64 | 975 |
Bolivia | BO | BOL | 68 | 591 |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba | BQ | BES | 535 | 599 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | BIH | 70 | 387 |
Botswana | BW | BWA | 72 | 267 |
Bouvet Island | BV | BVT | 74 | N/A |
Brazil | BR | BRA | 76 | 55 |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO | IOT | 86 | 246 |
British Virgin Islands | VG | VGB | 92 | 1 |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | BRN | 96 | 673 |
Bulgaria | BG | BGR | 100 | 359 |
Burkina Faso | BF | BFA | 854 | 226 |
Burundi | BI | BDI | 108 | 257 |
Cambodia | KH | KHM | 116 | 855 |
Cameroon, United Republic of | CM | CMR | 120 | 237 |
Canada | CA | CAN | 124 | 1 |
Cape Verde Island | CV | CPV | 132 | 238 |
Cayman Islands | KY | CYM | 136 | 345 |
Central African Republic | CF | CAF | 140 | 236 |
Chad | TD | TCD | 148 | 235 |
Chile | CL | CHL | 152 | 56 |
China | CN | CHN | 156 | 86 |
Christmas Island | CX | CXR | 162 | 61 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC | CCK | 166 | 61 |
Colombia | CO | COL | 170 | 57 |
Comoros | KM | COM | 174 | 269 |
Congo | CG | COG | 178 | 242 |
Cook Islands | CK | COK | 184 | 682 |
Costa Rica | CR | CRI | 188 | 506 |
Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) | CI | CIV | 384 | N/A |
Croatia | HR | HRV | 191 | 385 |
Cuba | CU | CUB | 192 | 53 |
Curaçao | CW | CUW | 531 | 599 |
Cyprus | CY | CYP | 196 | 357 |
Czech Republic | CZ | CZE | 203 | 420 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | CD | COD | 180 | 243 |
Denmark | DK | DNK | 208 | 45 |
Djibouti | DJ | DJI | 262 | 253 |
Dominica | DM | DMA | 212 | 767 |
Dominican Republic | DO | DOM | 214 | 809 |
Ecuador | EC | ECU | 218 | 593 |
Egypt | EG | EGY | 818 | 20 |
El Salvador | SV | SLV | 222 | 503 |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | GNQ | 226 | 240 |
Eritrea | ER | ERI | 232 | 291 |
Estonia | EE | EST | 233 | 372 |
Eswatini | SZ | SWZ | 748 | 268 |
Ethiopia | ET | ETH | 231 | 251 |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FK | FLK | 238 | 500 |
Faroe Islands | FO | FRO | 234 | 298 |
Fiji | FJ | FJI | 242 | 679 |
Finland | FI | FIN | 246 | 358 |
France | FR | FRA | 250 | 33 |
France,Metropolitan | FX | FXX | 249 | N/A |
French Guiana | GF | GUF | 254 | 594 |
French Polynesia | PF | PYF | 258 | 689 |
French Southern Territories | TF | ATF | 260 | N/A |
Gabon | GA | GAB | 266 | 241 |
Gambia | GM | GMB | 270 | 220 |
Georgia | GE | GEO | 268 | 995 |
Germany | DE | DEU | 276 | 49 |
Ghana | GH | GHA | 288 | 233 |
Gibralter | GI | GIB | 292 | 350 |
Greece | GR | GRC | 300 | 30 |
Greenland | GL | GRL | 304 | 299 |
Grenada | GD | GRD | 308 | 473 |
Guadeloupe | GP | GLP | 312 | 590 |
Guam | GU | GUM | 316 | 671 |
Guatemala | GT | GTM | 320 | 502 |
Guinea | GN | GIN | 324 | 224 |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | GNB | 624 | 245 |
Guyana | GY | GUY | 328 | 592 |
Haiti | HT | HTI | 332 | 509 |
Heard and McDonald Islands | HM | HMD | 334 | N/A |
Holy See (Vatican City State) | VA | VAT | 336 | 373 |
Honduras | HN | HND | 340 | 504 |
Hong Kong | HK | HKG | 344 | 852 |
Hungary | HU | HUN | 348 | 36 |
Iceland | IS | ISL | 352 | 354 |
India | IN | IND | 356 | 91 |
Indonesia | ID | IDN | 360 | 62 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | IR | IRN | 364 | 98 |
Iraq | IQ | IRQ | 368 | 964 |
Ireland, Republic of | IE | IRL | 372 | 353 |
Isle of Man | IM | IMN | 833 | 44-1624 |
Israel | IL | ISR | 376 | 972 |
Italy | IT | ITA | 380 | 39 |
Jamaica | JM | JAM | 388 | 876 |
Japan | JP | JPN | 392 | 81 |
Jordan | JO | JOR | 400 | 962 |
Kazakhstan | KZ | KAZ | 398 | 7 |
Kenya | KE | KEN | 404 | 254 |
Kiribati | KI | KIR | 296 | 686 |
Korea, Republic of | KR | KOR | 410 | 82 |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | KP | PRK | 408 | 850 |
Kuwait | KW | KWT | 414 | 965 |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | KGZ | 417 | 996 |
Laos | LA | LAO | 418 | 856 |
Latvia | LV | LVA | 428 | 371 |
Lebanon | LB | LBN | 422 | 961 |
Lesotho | LS | LSO | 426 | 266 |
Liberia | LR | LBR | 430 | 231 |
Libya | LY | LBY | 434 | 218 |
Liechtenstein | LI | LIE | 438 | 423 |
Lithuania | LT | LTU | 440 | 370 |
Luxembourg | LU | LUX | 442 | 352 |
Macau | MO | MAC | 446 | 853 |
North Macedonia | MK | MKD | 807 | 389 |
Madagascar | MG | MDG | 450 | 261 |
Malawi | MW | MWI | 454 | 265 |
Malaysia | MY | MYS | 458 | 60 |
Maldives | MV | MDV | 462 | 960 |
Mali | ML | MLI | 466 | 223 |
Malta | MT | MLT | 470 | 356 |
Marshall Islands | MH | MHL | 584 | 692 |
Martinique | MQ | MTQ | 474 | 596 |
Mauritania | MR | MRT | 478 | 222 |
Mauritius | MU | MUS | 480 | 230 |
Mayotte | YT | MYT | 175 | 262 |
Mexico | MX | MEX | 484 | 52 |
Micronesia | FM | FSM | 583 | 691 |
Moldova, Republic of | MD | MDA | 498 | 373 |
Monaco | MC | MCO | 492 | 377 |
Mongolia | MN | MNG | 496 | 976 |
Montenegro | ME | MNE | 499 | 382 |
Montserrat |
MS | MSR | 500 | 1 |
Morocco | MA | MAR | 504 | 212 |
Mozambique | MZ | MOZ | 508 | 258 |
Myanmar | MM | MMR | 104 | 95 |
Namibia | NA | NAM | 516 | 264 |
Nauru | NR | NRU | 520 | 674 |
Nepal | NP | NPL | 524 | 977 |
Netherlands | NL | NLD | 528 | 31 |
New Caledonia | NC | NCL | 540 | 687 |
New Zealand | NZ | NZL | 554 | 64 |
Nicaragua | NI | NIC | 558 | 505 |
Niger | NE | NER | 562 | 227 |
Nigeria | NG | NGA | 566 | 234 |
Niue | NU | NIU | 570 | 683 |
Norfolk Island | NF | NFK | 574 | 672 |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP | MNP | 580 | 670 |
Norway | NO | NOR | 578 | 47 |
Oman | OM | OMN | 512 | 968 |
Pakistan | PK | PAK | 586 | 92 |
Palau | PW | PLW | 585 | 680 |
Palestine, State of | PS | PSE | 275 | 970 |
Panama | PA | PAN | 591 | 507 |
Papua New Guinea | PG | PNG | 598 | 675 |
Paraguay | PY | PRY | 600 | 595 |
Peru | PE | PER | 604 | 51 |
Philippines | PH | PHL | 608 | 63 |
Pitcairn | PN | PCN | 612 | |
Poland | PL | POL | 616 | 48 |
Portugal | PT | PRT | 620 | 351 |
Puerto Rico | PR | PRI | 630 | 787 |
Qatar | QA | QAT | 634 | 974 |
Réunion | RE | REU | 638 | |
Romania | RO | ROU | 642 | 40 |
Russian Federation | RU | RUS | 643 | |
Rwanda | RW | RWA | 646 | 250 |
Samoa | WS | WSM | 882 | 685 |
San Marino | SM | SMR | 674 | 378 |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST | STP | 678 | 239 |
Saudi Arabia | SA | SAU | 682 | 966 |
Senegal | SN | SEN | 686 | 221 |
Serbia, Republic of | RS | SRB | 688 | 381 |
Seychelles | SC | SYC | 690 | 248 |
Sierra Leone | SL | SLE | 694 | 248 |
Singapore | SG | SGP | 702 | 65 |
Sint Maarten | SX | SXM | 534 | 721 |
Slovakia | SK | SVK | 703 | 421 |
Slovenia | SI | SVN | 705 | 386 |
Solomon Islands | SB | SLB | 90 | 677 |
Somalia | SO | SOM | 706 | 252 |
South Africa | ZA | ZAF | 710 | 27 |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | GS | SGS | 239 | 500 |
South Sudan | SS | SSD | 728 | 211 |
Spain | ES | ESP | 724 | 34 |
Sri Lanka | LK | LKA | 144 | 94 |
St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha | SH | SHN | 654 | 290 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | KN | KNA | 659 | 869 |
St. Lucia | LC | LCA | 662 | 758 |
St. Martin | MF | MAF | 663 | 590 |
St. Pierre and Miquelon | PM | SPM | 666 | 508 |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | VCT | 670 | 784 |
Sudan | SD | SDN | 729 | 249 |
Suriname | SR | SUR | 740 | 597 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | SJ | SJM | 744 | 268 |
Sweden | SE | SWE | 752 | 46 |
Switzerland | CH | CHE | 756 | 268 |
Syrian Arab Republic | SY | SYR | 760 | 963 |
Taiwan | TW | TWN | 158 | 886 |
Tajikistan | TJ | TJK | 762 | 992 |
Tanzania, United Republic of | TZ | TZA | 834 | 255 |
Thailand | TH | THA | 764 | 66 |
Timor-Leste | TL | TLS | 626 | 670 |
Togo | TG | TGO | 768 | 228 |
Tokelau | TK | TKL | 772 | 690 |
Tonga | TO | TON | 776 | 676 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | TTO | 780 | 868 |
Tunisia | TN | TUN | 788 | 216 |
Turkey | TR | TUR | 792 | 90 |
Turkmenistan | TM | TKM | 795 | 993 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC | TCA | 796 | 649 |
Tuvalu | TV | TUV | 798 | 688 |
Uganda | UG | UGA | 800 | 256 |
Ukraine | UA | UKR | 804 | 380 |
United Arab Emirates | AE | ARE | 784 | 971 |
United Kingdom | GB | GBR | 826 | 44 |
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo | QZ | QZZ | 900 | 383 |
United States | US | USA | 840 | 1 |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM | UMI | 581 | |
United States Virgin Islands | VI | VIR | 850 | |
Uruguay | UY | URY | 858 | 598 |
Uzbekistan | UZ | UZB | 860 | 998 |
Vanuatu | VU | VUT | 548 | 678 |
Venezuela | VE | VEN | 862 | 58 |
Vietnam | VN | VNM | 704 | 84 |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WF | WLF | 876 | 681 |
Western Sahara | EH | ESH | 732 | |
Yemen | YE | YEM | 887 | 967 |
Zambia | ZM | ZMB | 894 | 260 |
Zimbabwe | ZW | ZWE | 716 | 263 |
Benchmark Currency Codes
Currency | Alphabetic Code | Numeric Code |
Euro | EUR | 978 |
US Dollar | USD | 840 |
Australian Dollar | AUD | 036 |
Indian Rupee | INR | 356 |
Norwegian Krone | NOK | 578 |
Brazilian Real | BRL | 986 |
Bulgarian Lev | BGN | 975 |
Canadian Dollar | CAD | 124 |
Yuan Renminbi | CNY | 156 |
New Zealand Dollar | NZD | 554 |
Kuna | HRK | 191 |
Czech Koruna | CZK | 203 |
Danish Krone | DKK | 208 |
Pound Sterling | GBP | 826 |
Hong Kong Dollar | HKD | 344 |
Forint | HUF | 348 |
Iceland Krona | ISK | 352 |
Rupiah | IDR | 360 |
New Israeli Sheqel | ILS | 376 |
Yen | JPY | 392 |
Won | KRW | 410 |
Rand | ZAR | 710 |
Swiss Franc | CHF | 756 |
Malaysian Ringgit | MYR | 458 |
Mexican Peso | MXN | 484 |
Philippine Peso | PHP | 608 |
Zloty | PLN | 985 |
Romanian Leu | RON | 946 |
Russian Ruble | RUB | 643 |
Singapore Dollar | SGD | 702 |
Swedish Krona | SEK | 752 |
Baht | THB | 764 |
Turkish Lira | TRY | 949 |
Currency Codes
Country Name | Currency Name | Currency Code (3 Char) | Currency Code (numeric) |
Afghanistan | AFGHANI | AFN | 971 |
Afghanistan | AFGHANI | AFA | 4 |
Albania | LEK | ALL | 8 |
Algeria | ALGERIAN DINAR | DZD | 12 |
American Samoa | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Andorra | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Angola | KWANZA | AOA | 973 |
Anguilla | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
Antarctica | NORWEGIAN KRONE | NOK | 578 |
Antigua and Barbuda | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
Argentina | ARGENTINE PESO | ARS | 32 |
Armenia | ARMENIAN DRAM | AMD | 51 |
Aruba | ARUBAN GUILDER | AWG | 533 |
Australia | AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR | AUD | 36 |
Austria | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Azerbaijan | AZERBAIJANIAN MANAT | AZM | 31 |
Azerbaijan | AZERBAIJAN MANAT | AZN | 944 |
Bahamas | BAHAMIAN DOLLAR | BSD | 44 |
Bahrain | BAHRAINI DINAR | BHD | 48 |
Bangladesh | TAKA | BDT | 50 |
Barbados | BARBADOS DOLLAR | BBD | 52 |
Belarus | BELARUSSIAN RUBLE | BYR | 974 |
Belarus | BELARUSSIAN RUBLE | BYN | 933 |
Belgium | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Belize | BELIZE DOLLAR | BZD | 84 |
Benin | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Bermuda | BERMUDIAN DOLLAR | BMD | 60 |
Bhutan | BHUTAN NGULTRUM | BTN | 64 |
Bhutan | INDIAN RUPEE | INR | 356 |
Bolivia | BOLIVIANO | BOB | 68 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | CONVERTIBLE MARK | BAM | 977 |
Botswana | PULA | BWP | 72 |
Bouvet Island | NORWEGIAN KRONE | NOK | 578 |
Brazil | BRAZILIAN REAL | BRL | 986 |
British Indian Ocean Territory | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
British Virgin Islands | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Brunei Darussalam | BRUNEI DOLLAR | BND | 96 |
Bulgaria | BULGARIAN LEV | BGN | 975 |
Burkina Faso | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Burundi | BURUNDI FRANC | BIF | 108 |
Cambodia | RIEL | KHR | 116 |
Cameroon, United Republic of | CFA FRANC BEAC | XAF | 950 |
Canada | CANADIAN DOLLAR | CAD | 124 |
Cape Verde Island | CAPE VERDE ESCUDO | CVE | 132 |
Cayman Islands | CAYMAN IS. DOLLAR | KYD | 136 |
Central African Republic | CFA FRANC BEAC | XAF | 950 |
Chad | CFA FRANC BEAC | XAF | 950 |
Chile | CHILEAN PESO | CLP | 152 |
China | YUAN RENMINBI | CNY | 156 |
Christmas Island | AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR | AUD | 36 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR | AUD | 36 |
Colombia | COLOMBIAN PESO | COP | 170 |
Comoros | COMORO FRANC | KMF | 174 |
Congo | CFA FRANC BEAC | XAF | 950 |
Cook Islands | NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR | NZD | 554 |
Costa Rica | COSTA RICAN COLON | CRC | 188 |
Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Croatia | CROATIAN KUNA | HRK | 191 |
Cuba | CUBAN PESO | CUP | 192 |
Cyprus | CYPRUS POUND | CYP | 196 |
Cyprus | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Czech Republic | CZECH KORUNA | CZK | 203 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | FRANC CONGOLAIS | CDF | 976 |
Denmark | DANISH KRONE | DKK | 208 |
Djibouti | DJIBOUTI FRANC | DJF | 262 |
Dominica | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
Dominican Republic | DOMINICAN PESO | DOP | 214 |
Ecuador | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Egypt | EGYPTIAN POUND | EGP | 818 |
EL Salvador | EL SALVADOR COLON | SVC | 222 |
El Salvador | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Eqguinea | EQGUINEA EKWELE | GQE | 226 |
Equatorial Guinea | CFA FRANC BEAC | XAF | 950 |
Eritrea | ERITREAN NAKFA | ERN | 232 |
Estonia | ESTONIAN KROON | EEK | 233 |
Estonia | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Ethiopia | ETHIOPIAN BIRR | ETB | 230 |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FALKLAND IS. POUND | FKP | 238 |
Faroe Islands | DANISH KRONE | DKK | 208 |
Fiji | FIJI DOLLAR | FJD | 242 |
Finland | EURO | EUR | 978 |
France | EURO | EUR | 978 |
French Guiana | EURO | EUR | 978 |
French Polynesia | CFP FRANC | XPF | 953 |
French Southern Territories | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Gabon | CFA FRANC BEAC | XAF | 950 |
Gambia | DALASI | GMD | 270 |
Georgia | LARI | GEL | 981 |
Germany | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Ghana | CEDI | GHS | 936 |
Ghana | GHANA CEDI | GHC | 288 |
Gibralter | GIBRALTAR POUND | GIP | 292 |
Greece | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Greenland | DANISH KRONE | DKK | 208 |
Grenada | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
Guadeloupe | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Guam | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Guatemala | QUETZAL | GTQ | 320 |
Guinea | GUINEA FRANC | GNF | 324 |
Guinea-Bissau | GUINEA-BISSAU PESO | GWP | 624 |
Guinea-Bissau | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Guyana | GUYANA DOLLAR | GYD | 328 |
Haiti | GOURDE | HTG | 332 |
Heard and McDonald Islands | GOURDE | HTG | 332 |
Holy See (Vatican City State) | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Honduras | LEMPIRA | HNL | 340 |
Hong Kong | HONG KONG DOLLAR | HKD | 344 |
Hungary | FORINT | HUF | 348 |
Iceland | ICELAND KRONA | ISK | 352 |
India | INDIAN RUPEE | INR | 356 |
Indonesia | RUPIAH | IDR | 360 |
Iran | IRANIAN RIAL | IRR | 364 |
Iraq | IRAQI DINAR | IQD | 368 |
Ireland, Republic of | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Israel | NEW ISRAELI SHEKEL | ILS | 376 |
Italy | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Jamaica | JAMAICAN DOLLAR | JMD | 388 |
Japan | YEN | JPY | 392 |
Jordan | JORDANIAN DINAR | JOD | 400 |
Kazakhstan | TENGE | KZT | 398 |
Kenya | KENYAN SHILLING | KES | 404 |
Kiribati | AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR | AUD | 36 |
Kuwait | KUWAITI DINAR | KWD | 414 |
Kyrgyzstan | SOM | KGS | 417 |
Laos | KIP | LAK | 418 |
Latvia | LATVIAN LATS | LVL | 428 |
Latvia | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Lebanon | LEBANESE POUND | LBP | 422 |
Lesotho | LESOTHO LOTI | LSL | 426 |
Liberia | LIBERIAN DOLLAR | LRD | 430 |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | LIBYAN DINAR | LYD | 434 |
Liechtenstein | SWISS FRANC | CHF | 756 |
Lithuania | LITHUANIAN LITAS | LTL | 440 |
Luxembourg | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Macau | PATACA | MOP | 446 |
Macedonia | DENAR | MKD | 807 |
Madagascar | MALAGASY ARIARY | MGA | 969 |
Malagasy | MALAGASY FRANC | MGF | 450 |
Malawi | MALAWI KWACHA | MWK | 454 |
Malaysia | MALAYSIAN RINGGIT | MYR | 458 |
Maldives | RUFIYAA | MVR | 462 |
Mali | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Malta | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Maltese | MALTESE LIRA | MTL | 470 |
Marshall Islands | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Martinique | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Mauritania | OUGUIYA | MRO | 478 |
Mauritius | MAURITIUS RUPEE | MUR | 480 |
Mayotte | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Mexico | MEXICAN PESO | MXN | 484 |
Micronesia | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Moldova | MOLDOVAN LEU | MDL | 498 |
Monaco | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Mongolia | TUGRIK | MNT | 496 |
Monserrat | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
Montenegro | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Morocco | MOROCCAN DIRHAM | MAD | 504 |
Mozam | MOZAM METICAL | MZM | 508 |
Mozambique | MOZAMBIQUE METICAL | MZN | 943 |
Myanmar | KYAT | MMK | 104 |
N Korea | NORTH KOREAN WON | KPW | 408 |
Namibia | NAMIBIA DOLLAR | NAD | 516 |
Nepal | NEPALESE RUPEE | NPR | 524 |
Netherlands | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Netherlands Antilles | NETH. ANTI. GUILDER | ANG | 532 |
New Caledonia | CFP FRANC | XPF | 953 |
New Zealand | NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR | NZD | 554 |
Nicaragua | CORDOBA ORO | NIO | 558 |
Niger | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Nigeria | NAIRA | NGN | 566 |
Norfolk Island | AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR | AUD | 36 |
Northern Mariana Islands | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Norway | NORWEGIAN KRONE | NOK | 578 |
Oman | RIAL OMANI | OMR | 512 |
Pakistan | PAKISTAN RUPEE | PKR | 586 |
Palau | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Palestine, State of | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Panama | BALBOA | PAB | 590 |
Papua New Guinea | KINA | PGK | 598 |
Paraguay | GUARANI | PYG | 600 |
Peru | NUEVO SOL | PEN | 604 |
Philippines | PHILIPPINE PESO | PHP | 608 |
Pitcairn | NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR | NZD | 554 |
Poland | ZLOTY | PLN | 985 |
Portugal | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Puerto Rico | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Qatar | QATARI RIAL | QAR | 634 |
Réunion | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Romania | LEU | RON | 946 |
Romania | ROMANIAN LEU | ROL | 642 |
Russia | RUSSIAN RUBLE | RUR | 810 |
Russia | RUSSIAN RUBLE | RUB | 643 |
Rwanda | RWANDA FRANC | RWF | 646 |
S Korea | WON | KRW | 410 |
Samoa | TALA | WST | 882 |
San Marino | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Sao Tome and Principe | DOBRA | STD | 678 |
Saudi Arabia | SAUDI RIYAL | SAR | 682 |
Senegal | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Serbia | SERBIAN DINAR | RSD | 941 |
Serbia | SERBIAN DINAR | CSD | 891 |
Seychelles | SEYCHELLES RUPEE | SCR | 690 |
Sierra Leone | LEONE | SLL | 694 |
Singapore | SINGAPORE DOLLAR | SGD | 702 |
Slovakia | SLOVAK KORUNA | SKK | 703 |
Slovakia | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Slovenia | SLOVENIAN TOLAR | SIT | 705 |
Slovenia | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Solomon Islands | SOLOMON IS. DOLLAR | SBD | 90 |
Somalia | SOMALI SHILLING | SOS | 706 |
South Africa | RAND | ZAR | 710 |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | POUND STERLING | GBP | 826 |
Spain | EURO | EUR | 978 |
Sri Lanka | SRI LANKA RUPEE | LKR | 144 |
St. Helena | ST. HELENA POUND | SHP | 654 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
St. Lucia | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
St. Pierre and Miquelon | EURO | EUR | 978 |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | E. CARIBBEAN DOLLAR | XCD | 951 |
Sudan | SUDANESE POUND | SDG | 938 |
Sudan | SUDANESE DINAR | SDD | 736 |
Sudan | SUDAN AIRLINE RATE | SDA | 737 |
Suriname | SURINAM GUILDER | SRG | 740 |
Suriname | SURINAME DOLLAR | SRD | 968 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | NORWEGIAN KRONE | NOK | 578 |
Swaziland | LILANGENI | SZL | 748 |
Sweden | SWEDISH KRONA | SEK | 752 |
Switzerland | SWISS FRANC | CHF | 756 |
Syrian Arab Republic | SYRIAN POUND | SYP | 760 |
Taiwan | NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR | TWD | 901 |
Tajikistan | SOMONI | TJS | 972 |
Tanzania | TANZANIAN SHILLING | TZS | 834 |
Thailand | BAHT | THB | 764 |
Timor | TIMOR ESCUDO | TPE | 626 |
Timor-Leste | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Togo | CFA FRANC BCEAO | XOF | 952 |
Tokelau | NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR | NZD | 554 |
Tonga | PA'ANGA | TOP | 776 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TRINI & TOBA DOLLAR | TTD | 780 |
Tunisia | TUNISIAN DINAR | TND | 788 |
Turkey | TURKISH LIRA | TRL | 792 |
Turkey | TURKISH LIRA | TRY | 949 |
Turkmenistan | TURKMENISTAN MANAT | TMM | 795 |
Turkmenistan | TURKMENISTAN MANAT (New) | TMT | 934 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Uganda | UGANDA SHILLING | UGX | 800 |
Ukraine | UKRAINIAN HRYVNIA | UAH | 980 |
United Arab Emirates | U.A.E. DIRHAM | AED | 784 |
United Kingdom | POUND STERLING | GBP | 826 |
United States | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
United States Virgin Islands | U.S. DOLLAR | USD | 840 |
Uruguay | PESO URUGUAYO | UYU | 858 |
Uzbekistan | UZBEKISTAN SUM | UZS | 860 |
Vanuatu | VATU | VUV | 548 |
Venezuela | Bolivar Soberano (Sovereign Bolivar) | VES | 928 |
Vietnam | DONG | VND | 704 |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | CFP FRANC | XPF | 953 |
Western Sahara | MOROCCAN DIRHAM | MAD | 504 |
Yemen | YEMENI RIAL | YER | 886 |
Zambia | ZAMBIAN KWACHA | ZMW | 967 |
Zambia | ZAMBIAN KWACHA | ZMK | 894 |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | ZWL | 932 |
Zimbabwe | ZIMBABWE DOLLAR | ZWD | 716 |
Action Code (actionCode) - UPDATED
Code |
Description |
00 |
Approved and completed successfully |
01 |
Refer to card issuer |
02 |
Refer to card issuer, special condition |
03 |
Invalid merchant |
04 |
Pick up card (no fraud) |
05 |
Do not honor |
06 |
Error |
07 |
Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) |
10 |
Partial approval |
11 |
Approved (V.I.P) |
12 |
Invalid transaction |
13 |
Invalid amount or currency conversion field overflow |
14 |
Invalid account number (no such number) |
15 |
No such issuer |
19 |
Re-enter transaction |
21 |
No action taken |
25 |
Unable to locate record in file |
28 |
File temporarily not available for update or inquiry |
39 |
No credit account |
41 |
Lost card, pick up (fraud account) |
43 |
Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) |
46 |
Closed account |
51 |
Not sufficient funds |
52 |
No checking account |
53 |
No savings account |
54 |
Expired card or expiration date is missing |
55 |
Incorrect PIN or PIN missing |
57 |
Transaction not permitted to cardholder |
58 |
Transaction not allowed at terminal |
59 |
Suspected fraud |
61 |
Exceeds approval amount limit |
62 |
Restricted card (card invalid in this region or country) |
63 |
Security violation (source is not correct issuer) |
64 |
Transaction does not fulfill AML requirement |
65 |
Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit |
70 |
PIN data required |
74 |
Different value than that used for PIN encryption errors |
75 |
Allowable number of PIN entry tries exceeded |
76 |
Unsolicited reversal |
78 |
“Blocked, first used”—Transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked |
79 |
Already reversed (by Switch) |
80 |
No financial impact |
81 |
Cryptographic error found in PIN |
82 |
Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results |
85 |
No reason to decline a request for address verification, CVV2 verification, or a credit voucher or merchandise return |
86 |
Cannot verify PIN; for example, no PVV |
89 |
Ineligible to receive financial position information (GIV) |
91 |
Issuer or switch inoperative and STIP not applicable or not available for this transaction; Time-out when no stand-in; POS Check Service: Destination unavailable; Credit Voucher and Merchandise Return Authorizations: V.I.P. sent the transaction to the issuer, but the issuer was unavailable. |
92 |
Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing (receiving institution ID is invalid) |
93 |
Transaction cannot be completed - violation of law |
94 | Request is identified as a duplicate |
96 |
System malfunction |
1A |
Additional customer authentication required |
6P |
Verification data failed |
B1 |
Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards or EBT food stamps (U.S. acquirers only) |
B2 |
Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer. |
N0 |
Force STIP |
N3 |
Cash service not available |
N4 |
Cash request exceeds issuer or approved limit |
N5 |
Ineligible for resubmission |
N7 |
Decline for CVV2 failure |
N8 |
Transaction amount exceeds preauthorized approval amount |
P5 |
Denied PIN unblock—PIN change or unblock request declined by issuer |
P6 |
Denied PIN change—requested PIN unsafe |
Q1 |
Card Authentication failed |
R0 |
Stop Payment Order |
R1 |
Revocation of authorization order |
R2 |
Transaction does not qualify for Visa PIN |
R3 |
Revocation of all authorizations order |
Z3 |
Unable to go online; offline-declined |
Point Of Service Data (PointOfServiceData)
Type | PanEntryMode | PosConditionCode | MotoECIIndicator |
CardNotPresent | 01 | 59 / 08 | 5 - 7 |
10 | 59 / 08 | 5 - 7 | |
07 | 00 / 02 | 7 | |
91 | 00 / 02 | ||
96 | 59 | ||
00 | 00 / 51 | ||
01 / 10 | 51 | ||
01 / 05 / 90 | 00 | ||
01 / 05 / 90 | 06 | ||
CardPresent | 01 | 59 / 08 | 5 - 7 |
02 | 00 | ||
90 | 00 / 02 | 0 | |
95 | 00 / 08 / 59 | ||
05 | 00 / 02 | ||
00 | 00 / 51 | ||
96 | 59 |
Address Verification Results (addressVerificationResults) - Updated 01JUN2023
Code | Description |
Y | Full Match |
A | Partial Match (street address only) |
Z | Partial Match (postal/zip only) |
N | Non-Match |
U | Unable to Verify |
R |
Indeterminate Outcome (Retry) |
Address Verification Results (addressVerificationResults) - Old
Code | Description | Code | Description |
A | The street addresses match but the postal/ZIP codes do not, or the request does not include the postal/ZIP code. | P | Postal/ZIP codes match. Acquirer sent both postal/ZIP code and street address, but street address not verified due to incompatible formats. |
B | Street addresses match, but postal/ZIP code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal/ZIP code) | R | Retry: System unavailable or timed out. Issuer ordinarily performs address verification but was unavailable. V.I.P. uses code R when issuers are unavailable. Issuers should refrain from using this code. |
C | Street address and postal/ZIP code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal/ZIP code.) | S | Not applicable. If present, V.I.P. replaces it with U or with G. |
D | Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match. | U | Address not verified for domestic transaction. Address not verified for international transaction. Issuer is not an AVS participant, or AVS data was present in the request but issuer did not return an AVS result, or V.I.P. performed address verification on behalf of the issuer and there was no address record on file for this account. |
F | Street addresses and postal codes match. Applies to U.K.-domestic transactions only. | W | Not applicable. If present, V.I.P. replaces it with Z. Available for U.S. issuers only. |
G | Address not verified for international transaction. Issuer is not an Address Verification Service (AVS) participant, or AVS data was present in the request but issuer did not return an AVS result, or V.I.P. performed address verification on behalf of the issuer and there was no address record on file for this account. | X | Not applicable. If present, V.I.P. replaces it with Y. Available for U.S. issuers only. |
I | Address information not verified. | Y | Street address and postal/ZIP match. |
M | Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match. | Z | Postal/ZIP match, street addresses do not match or street address not included in request. |
N | No match. Acquirer sent postal/ZIP code only, or street address only, or both postal/ZIP and street address. |
Card Verification2 Results (cvv2ResultsCode)
Code | Description |
M | CVV2 Match. Indicates that the Funds Transfer API or the issuer was able to verify the CVV2 value provided by the merchant. |
N | CVV2 No Match. Indicates that the Funds Transfer API or the issuer was not able to verify the CVV2 value provided by the merchant. |
P | Not processed. Indicates that the Funds Transfer API or the issuer was unable to verify the CVV2 value provided by the merchant because either their verification system was not functioning, or not all of the information needed to verify the CVV2 value (such as the expiration date) was included in the request. |
S | CVV2 should be on the card. Indicates that the Funds Transfer API or the issuer was unable to perform CVV2 verification, and notifies the merchant that the card should contain a CVV2 value. |
U | Issuer does not participate in CVV2 service, or participates but has not provided Visa with encryption keys, or both. Indicates that the issuer is not participating in the CVV2 service, or has not provided Visa with encryption keys needed to perform verification, or that STIP has responded to an issuer-unavailable response. |
Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (cavvResultCode)
Code | Description | Code | Description |
Blank | CAVV not present - no verification performed: Standard e-commerce or non e-commerce transaction Use standard authorization criteria with Issuer retaining chargeback rights |
7 | CAVV failed verification (attempt) – Issuer approves authorization: U.S.-issued cards ONLY Issuer or Cardholder does not participate in CAVV verification Transaction was approved by the Issuer knowing that the authentication data failed verification and was not reliable Transaction is not eligible for Reason Code 75 (cardholder does not recognize transaction) or 83 (fraud transaction - card absent environment) |
0 | CAVV authentication results invalid - no verification performed: CAVV data not properly formatted Use standard authorization criteria with Issuer retaining chargeback rights |
8 | CAVV passed verification (attempt) - Issuer approves authorization: U.S.-issued cards ONLY Issuer or Cardholder does not participate in CAVV verification Use standard authorization criteria with Issuer - not eligible for chargebacks |
1 | CAVV failed verification (authentication) - Issuer approves authorization: .Transaction was approved by the Issuer knowing that the authentication data failed verification and was not reliable Transaction is not eligible for Reason Code 75 or 83 |
9 | CAVV failed verification (attempt) - Issuer approves authorization: U.S.-issued cards ONLY Issuer ACS unavailable - Visa generated CAVV Transaction was approved by the Issuer knowing that the authentication data failed verification and was not reliable Transaction is not eligible for Reason Code 75 (cardholder does not recognize transaction) or 83 (fraud transaction - card absent environment) |
2 | CAVV passed verification (authentication) - Issuer approves authorization: Use standard authorization criteria Transaction is not eligible for chargebacks because a valid CAVV indicates that the cardholder authentication was performed |
A | CAVV passed verification (attempt) - Issuer approves authorization: U.S.-issued cards ONLY Issuer ACS unavailable - Visa generated CAVV Use standard authorization criteria with Issuer - not eligible for chargebacks |
3 | CAVV passed verification (attempt) - Issuer approves authorization: Issuer or Cardholder does not participate in CAVV verification Transaction is not eligible for chargebacks because a valid CAVV indicates that the merchant did attempt to authenticate the cardholder |
B | CAVV passed verification (authentication): Information only with no liability shift since ECI value and/or card type is excluded |
4 | CAVV failed verification (attempt) - Issuer approves authorization: Issuer or Cardholder does not participate in CAVV verification Transaction was approved by the Issuer knowing that the authentication data failed verification and was not reliable Transaction is not eligible for Reason Code 75 or 83 |
C | CAVV was not verification (attempt): Issuer elected to return CAVV verification results and Field 44.13 blank Visa generated CAVV - results are valid |
5 | Not Used - Reserved | D | CAVV was not verification (authentication): Issuer elected to return CAVV verification results and Field 44.13 blank Visa generated CAVV - results are valid |
6 | CAVV not verified (VisaNet flag for Issuer not selected) - Issuer approves authorization: VisaNet processes as if CAVV is valid and use standard authorization criteria to avoid adversely impacting cardholders Transaction is not eligible for chargebacks because a valid CAVV indicates that the merchant did attempt to authenticate the cardholder Issuer has requested no verification |
CVV/iCVV Results Codes
Code | Description |
(Blank) or not present | CVV, iCVV, or dCVV was not verified. |
1 | CVV, iCVV, dCVV, or Online CAM failed verification. |
2 | CVV, iCVV, dCVV, or Online CAM passed verification. |
3 | Transaction passed CVV, Emergency Replacement Card (ERC) service value only, which is used exclusively by the Global Customer Assistance Service (GCAS). |
Card Authentication Results
Code | Description |
(Blank) or not present | Online CAM was not performed, or some other situation or problem prevented verification. For example, issuer is not participating in Online CAM, or a system or cryptographic error occurred. |
1 | The Authorization Request Cryptogram (ARQC) was checked but failed verification. |
2 | The ARQC was checked and passed verification. |
Response Code (Old value) (responseCode)
Code | Description |
0 | Exception file change initiated by Global Customer Assistance Service (GCAS) or Automatic Cardholder Database Update Service (Auto-CDB). |
1 | Request timed out by switch. |
2 | Depending on processing system: PCAS.Transaction amount below issuer limit (), or PACM.Transaction amount is below sliding dollar limit (P), or in response to a verification request. |
4 | One or more of the following: Issuer was not available for processing. CVV or iCVV invalid and Visa has acted on the negative results. PVV invalid and Visa has acted on the negative results. This is the default code when the others listed here do not apply. |
5 | Response provided by issuer. |
C | Response provided by STIP for conditions not listed. |
Response Code (New value) (responseCode)
Code | Description |
0 | Exception file change initiated by Global Customer Assistance Service (GCAS) or Automatic Cardholder Database Update Service (Auto-CDB). |
V | Authorization requested by Visanet. |
Business Application Identifier (businessApplicationId)
Value | Application Type | Value | Application Type |
AA | Account to Account | CI | Cash In |
BB | Business to Business | CO | Cash Out |
BI | Money transfer (bank-initiated) | MP | Face-to-face Merchant Payment |
CP | Card Bill Payment | MD | Merchant Disbursement |
FD | Funds Disbursement (general) | OG | Online Gambling Payout |
FT | Funds Transfer | PD | Payroll/pension disbursement |
GD | Government Disbursement | PP | Person to Person |
GP | Gambling Payment (other than online gambling) | TU | Prepaid Reload / Top Up |
LO | Loyalty and Offers | WT | Wallet Transfer |
BP | Non-card Bill Payment | PS | Payment for goods and services |
MI | Merchant Initiated OCT for Faster Refund | CD | Cash Deposit |
RP | Request-to-Pay Service | LA | Liquid Assets |
- The BAI value of CI applies to mVisa CashInPushPayment transactions only.
- The BAI value of CO applies to mVisa CashOutPushPayment transactions only.
- The BAI value of LO applies to original credit transactions only.
- The BAI value of MP applies to mVisa MerchantPushPayment transactions only.
- The BAI value of WT applies to account funding transactions and original credit transactions.
- The BAI value of BI applies to the Unites States(U.S) region only.
- The BAI value of CD applies to original credit transactions only.
Fast Funds Indicator (fastFundsIndicator)
Code | Description | Code | Description |
B | Recipient issuer participates in Fast Funds for all transactions | D | Recipient issuer participates in Fast Funds for domestic transactions only |
C | Reserved for future use | N | Recipient issuer does not participate in Fast Funds |
Push Funds Indicator (pushFundsIndicator)
Code | Description | Code | Description |
A | Does not accept OCTs | C | Accepts all OCTs |
B | Accepts Enhanced Format Money Transfer OCTs only | N | Does not accept OCTs |
Note: Basic Format OCTs is deprecated since April 2019, and newer version of the API does not support this value.
Source Of Funds (sourceOfFundsCode)
Code | Description |
01 | Visa credit |
02 | Visa debit |
03 | Visa prepaid |
04 | Cash |
05 | Debit/deposit access accounts other than those linked to a Visa card (includes checking/savings accounts and proprietary debit/ATM cards) |
06 | Credit accounts other than those linked to a Visa card (includes credit cards and proprietary credit lines) |
Alerts: Supported Time Zones
UTC Offset | Time Zone Display | Time Zone Standard Name | Time Zone Daylight Name |
UTC+00:00 | Greenwich Mean Time | GMT | |
UTC+01:00 | Central European Time | CET | CEST |
UTC+02:00 | Eastern European Time | EET | EEST |
UTC+03:00 | Further-eastern European Time | FET | |
UTC+03:30 | Iran Standard Time | IRST | |
UTC+04:00 | Moscow Time | MSK | |
UTC+04:30 | Afghanistan Time | AFT | |
UTC+05:00 | Pakistan Standard Time | PKT | |
UTC+05:30 | Indian Standard Time | IST | |
UTC+05:45 | Nepal Time | NPT | |
UTC+06:00 | Bangladesh Standard Time | BST | |
UTC+06:30 | Myanmar Standard Time | MST | |
UTC+07:00 | Thailand Standard Time | THA | |
UTC+08:00 | China Standard Time | CST | |
UTC+09:00 | Japan Standard Time | JST | |
UTC+09:30 | Australian CenTral Standard Time | ACST | ACDT |
UTC+10:00 | Australian EasTern Standard Time | AEST | AEDT |
UTC+10:30 | Lord Howe Standard Time | LHST | |
UTC+11:00 | Solomon Islands Time | SBT | |
UTC+11:30 | Norfolk Time | NFT | |
UTC+12:00 | New Zealand Standard Time | NZST | NZDT |
UTC+12:45 | Chatham Standard Time | CHAST | CHADT |
UTC+13:00 | Phoenix Island Time | PHOT | |
UTC+14:00 | Line Islands Time | LINT | |
UTC-01:00 | Azores Standard Time | AZOST | |
UTC-02:00 | South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands | GST | |
UTC-03:00 | Brasilia Time | BRT | |
UTC-03:30 | Newfoundland Standard Time | NST | NDT |
UTC-04:00 | Atlantic Standard Time | AST | ADT |
UTC-04:30 | Venezuelan Standard Time | VET | |
UTC-05:00 | Eastern Standard Time (North America) | EST | EDT |
UTC-06:00 | Central Time | (NorTh America)CST | CDT |
UTC-07:00 | MounTain Standard Time (North America) | MST | MDT |
UTC-08:00 | Pacific Standard Time (North America) | PST | PDT |
UTC-09:00 | Alaska Standard Time | AKST | AKDT |
UTC-09:30 | Marquesas Islands Time | MIT | |
UTC-10:00 | Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time | HAST | HADT |
UTC-11:00 | Samoa Standard Time | SST | |
UTC-12:00 | Baker Island Time | BIT |
Alerts: Merchant Category Groups
Merchant Category Groups supplied by Visa indicate the primary type of trade conducted by a merchant, similar in concept to standard industry marketing clusters. MCG isc used By Visa Transaction Alerts to indicate that a transaction comes from a merchant of this type.
Merchant Category Group | Description |
501 | Gambling |
502 | Liquor Stores |
503 | Adult Entertainment |
504 | Bail Bonds |
505 | Pawn Shops |
506 | Durable Goods |
507 | Miscellaneous |
508 | Fuel |
509 | Supermarket |
510 | Health Care |
511 | Travel |
512 | Dining |
513 | Entertainment |
514 | General Retail |
515 | Drug Store |
516 | Electronic Stores |
517 | Housing |
518 | Automotive |
519 | Coffee Stores |
Alerts: Service Offerings
Service Offerings are used by Visa Transaction Alerts to describe the conditions that can trigger an alert.
Note: All currency amounts must be greater than or equal to the minimum value established for the portfolio Service offerings are opted in to individual card-contact combinations per customer.
Type | Service Offering | Offering Properties | Occurances Allowed | Description |
Transactional | Balance | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered when a balance inquiry is made. |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
CardNotPresent | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered when a purchase is made online, by telephone, or by mail order, and for scheduled automatic payments. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Cashback | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered when cash is received along with a purchase. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
CashWithdrawal | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered when an ATM cash withdrawal is made. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
CrossBorder | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered when a transaction is made outside the country in which the account was issued and may include cash withdrawals. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Declined | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered for transactions that are declined. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Gasoline | N/A | An alert is triggered when pre-authorizations are processed for point-of-sale purchases at gas pumps. | ||
GenericCredit | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered when a credit is received from a merchant. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
MCG | Key: MCGCode | 1 per MCG | An alert is triggered for transactions defined within a category. | |
Value: Single Code value from the included list of MCG | ||||
Key: ThresholdAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Threshold | Key: ThresholdAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered when the card is used for a purchase that is greater than a predefined purchase amount. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Aggregate | AggregateMCG | Key: MCGCode | 1 per MCG | An alert is triggered by customer-defined pre-set spend aggregation thresholds and set aggregation levels at time-based totals for transactions within a category. |
Value: Single Code value from the included list of MCG | ||||
Key: DailyAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Key: WeeklyAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Key: MonthlyAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
AggregateOOCATM | Key: DailyAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered by customer-defined pre-set spend aggregation thresholds and set aggregation levels at time-based totals for out of country ATM withdrawls. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Key: WeeklyAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Key: MonthlyAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
AggregatePurchase | Key: DailyAmount | 1 | An alert is triggered by customer-defined pre-set spend aggregation thresholds and set aggregation levels at time-based totals. | |
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Key: WeeklyAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Key: MonthlyAmount | ||||
Value: Numeric value of currency in whole numbers | ||||
Suppression | DoNotDisturb | Key: DoNotDisturbStart | 1 | Establishes the timespan within a 24 hour period in which the customer does not wish to receive alerts. The alerts are queued until the timespan has elapsed. |
Value: Hour and Minute representation in the format HH:MM | ||||
Key: DoNotDisturbEnd | ||||
Value: Hour and Minute representation in the format HH:MM | ||||
SuppressRecurring | N/A | 1 | Suppress alerts for reoccurring or automated transactions. |
ISO Codes: Alerts, supported Languages
Country Name | Supported Language (Alerts) |
British Indian Ocean Territory | pt-BR |
Cape Verde Island | fr-CA |
Micronesia | Es-MX |
United States | en-US |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | en-US |
United States Virgin Islands | en-US |
Network ID and Sharing Group Code
Network Name | Network ID | Sharing Group Code |
Accel/Exchange | 0020 | E |
CU24 | 0024 | C |
Interlink | 0003 | G |
Maestro | 0016 | 8 |
NYCE | 0018 0027 |
Y F |
Pulse | 0009 0017 0019 |
S L H |
Star | 0008 0010 0011 0012 0015 |
N W Z Q M |
Visa/PLUS | 0002 | V |
Value | Description | Accepts Language Parameter |
business_segment | Visa business segment types e.g., Consumer, Small Business |
Y |
card_payment_type | Visa payment types e.g., Debit, Credit |
Y |
card_product | Visa cards e.g., Visa Signature, Visa Platinum |
Y |
category | Offer classification e.g., Food & Wine, Travel |
Y |
language | Available languages for offers e.g., English, Simplified Chinese |
N |
program | A collection of offers. Every one belongs to only one program. | N |
promotion_channel | The mediums where the offer may be promoted e.g., Online |
Y |
redemption_channel | The mediums where the offer may be redeemed e.g., In-Store |
Y |
region | A list of regions (and their corresponding countries) available in VMORC | Y (only country) |
Business Segments (business_segment)
Code | Description |
7 | Commercial |
8 | Consumer |
39 | Small Business |
- Business segments are dynamically managed within VMORC and new values may be added into the system
- The business segment response may differ based on offers an issuer may access. For example, if an issuer may only access "Consumer" offers, the other business segment options are not returned in the Reference Data API response.
- The business segments above may be a subset of available values and may differ in production and the sandbox
Card Payment Types (card_payment_type)
Code | Description |
9 | Credit |
10 | Debit |
11 | Pre-Paid |
- Card payment types are dynamically managed within VMORC and new values may be added into the system
- The card payment type response may differ based on offers an issuer may access. For example, if an issuer may only access "Credit" offers, the other payment type options are not returned in the Reference Data API response.
- The card payment types above may be a subset of available values and may differ in production and the sandbox
Card Product (card_product)
Code | Description |
15 | Visa Platinum |
16 | Visa Gold |
17 | Visa Classic |
41 | Visa Electron |
42 | Visa Infinite |
65 | Visa Signature |
- Card products are dynamically managed within VMORC and new values may be added into the system
- The card product response may differ based on offers an issuer may access. For example, if an issuer may only access "Visa Signature" offers, the other payment type options are not returned in the Reference Data API response.
- The card payment types above may be a subset of available values and may differ in production and the sandbox
Category and Subcategory (category and subcategory)
Category Key | Category Value | Subcategory Key | Subcategory Value |
94 | Food & Wine | 95 | Dining |
94 | Food & Wine | 96 | Wine |
18 | Travel | 25 | Car Rentals / Transfers |
18 | Travel | 26 | Hotels & Lodging |
18 | Travel | 88 | Services |
97 | Retail | 98 | Books/Music/Movies |
- Categories and subcategories are dynamically managed within VMORC and new values may be added into the system
- The category and subcategory response may differ based on offers an issuer may access. For example, if an issuer may only access "Food & Wine" offers, the other category options are not returned in the Reference Data API response. The same case applies to subcategories
- The categories and subcategories above may be a subset of available values and may differ in production and the sandbox
Merchant (merchant)
Key | Value |
100000 | Merchant One |
100100 | Merchant Two |
100200 | Merchant Three |
- Merchants are dynamically managed within VMORC and new values may be added into the system
- The merchant response may differ based on offers an issuer may access. For example, if an issuer may only access "Merchant One" offers, the other merchant options are not returned in the Merchant Data API response.
- The merchants above are fictitious and may differ in production and the sandbox
Program (program)
Key | Value |
100001 | Program A |
100002 | Program B |
100003 | Program C |
- Programs are dynamically managed within VMORC and new values may be added into the system
- The program response may differ based on offers an issuer may access. For example, if an issuer may only access "Program A" offers, the other program options are not returned in the Reference Data API response.
- The program above are fictitious and may differ in production and the sandbox
Promotion Channel (promotion_channel)
Key | Value |
1 | |
3 | Online |
5 | In Store / Offline |
- Promotion channels are dynamically managed within VMORC and new values may be added into the system
- The promotion channel response may differ based on offers an issuer may access. For example, if an issuer may only access "Online" offers, the other program options are not returned in the Reference Data API response.
- The promotion channels above are a subset of available values and may differ in production and the sandbox
Region (region)
Key | Value |
1 | AP (Asia Pacific) |
2 | CEMEA (Central Europe Middle East Africa) |
3 | EU (Europe) |
4 | LAC (Latin America) |
5 | USA |
6 | Canada |
Country (country)
Country Key | Region Key | Country Value |
38 | 6 | Canada |
44 | 1 | China |
58 | 3 | Denmark |
175 | 4 | Peru |
232 | 2 | United Arab Emirates |
234 | 5 | United States of America |
- The countries above are subset of available values
Merchant Response Code
Service Identifier/ Merchant Response Code | Description | API Request Must Include | Notes on API Response | Recommended Action on API Response |
A | Account Change | New Account Number and Expiration date | Merchant data would be returned if both account number and expiration date matched. | Display merchant name, or sub-merchant name (if TPA indicator = ‘Y’) and inquiry date. Indicate new account number and expiration date shared with merchant. |
E | Expiry Date Change | Expiry Date Change | New Account Number and Expiration date | Merchant data would be returned if both account number and expiration date matched. Display merchant name, or sub-merchant name (if TPA indicator = ‘Y’) and inquiry date. Indicate new expiration date shared with merchant. |
V | Validation - No change in account information | New Account Number and Expiration date | Merchant data would be returned if both account number and expiration date matched. | Display merchant name, or sub-merchant name (if TPA indicator = ‘Y’) and inquiry date. Indicate no updates provided to merchant. |
C | Closed Account | Old Account Number Only | Merchant data would be returned based on old account match. Expiration date provided in the API Request would be ignored. | Display merchant name, or sub-merchant name (if TPA indicator = ‘Y’) and inquiry date. Indicate no updates provided to merchant, and cardholder should contact merchant to provide card information. |
Q | Contact Cardholder | Old Account Number Only | Merchant data would be returned based on old account match. Expiration date provided in the API Request would be ignored. | Display merchant name, or sub-merchant name (if TPA indicator = ‘Y’) and inquiry date. Indicate no updates provided to merchant. Cardholder should contact merchant to provide card information. |
B (sent to acquirer as ‘N’) | Blocked Merchant | Old Account Number Only | Merchant data would be returned based on old account match. Expiration date provided in the API Request would be ignored. | Display merchant name, or sub-merchant name (if TPA indicator = ‘Y’) and inquiry date. Indicate no updates provided to merchant. Cardholder should contact merchant to provide card information. |
Card Platform Code
Code | Description |
BZ |
Business |
CN |
Consumer |
GV | Government Notes |
Pan Entry Mode Codes
PAN Entry Mode Code | Description |
00 | Unknown or terminal not used. |
01 | Manual (key entry). |
02 | Visa: Magnetic stripe read; CVV checking may not be possible. PLUS: Track 2 contents read, but transaction not eligible for CVV checking. |
03 | Optical code. |
04 | Reserved for future use. |
05 | Contact integrated circuit card read using VSDC chip data rules; Online CAM authentication method; iCVV checking possible. |
06 | Reserved for future use. |
07 | Contactless device-read-originated using qVSDC chip data rules; Online CAM authentication method; iCVV checking possible. |
10 | Credential on file: Merchant initiates transaction for cardholder using credentials stored on file. |
90 | Magnetic stripe read and exact content of Track 1 or Track 2 included (CVV check possible). |
91 | Contactless device-read-originated using magnetic stripe data rules; dCVV. checking is possible; Online CAM checking possible for MSD CVN 17 only. |
95 | Integrated circuit card read; CVV or iCVV checking may not be possible.. |
POS Condition Codes
POS Condition Code | Description |
00 | Normal transaction of this type. |
01 | Customer not present. |
02 | Unattended cardholder-activated environment. |
03 | Merchant suspicious of transaction (or card). |
05 | Customer present, card not present. |
06 | Preauthorized request. |
08 | Mail, telephone, recurring, advance, or installment order. |
11 | Suspected fraud. |
12 | Security. |
13 | Dispute Response Financial. |
17 | Dispute Financial. |
51 | Address/CVV2/account verification without authorization; product eligibility inquiry without authorization; Master Card POS account status inquiry. NOTE: Invalid for Crediário eligibility inquiry messages. |
52 | Reserved for future use. |
54 | Dispute Financial Reversal. |
59 | E-commerce request by public network. |
71 | Card present, magnetic stripe cannot be read (key-entered)—U.S. only. |
Moto ECI Indicator Codes
Moto ECI Indicator Code | Description |
0 | Originators can pass this value when the transaction is not a Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO). |
1 | Single transaction of a mail/phone order |
2 | Recurring transaction |
3 | Installment payment |
4 | Unknown classification/Other mail order |
5 | Secure electronic commerce transaction |
6 | Non-authenticated security transaction at a 3-D Secure-capable merchant, and merchant attempted to authenticate the cardholder using 3-D Secure |
7 | Non-authenticated Security Transaction |
8 | Non-secure transaction |
Message Reason Codes
Message Reason Code | Description |
3901 | Resubmission Transaction – A merchant performs a resubmission in cases where it requested an authorization, but received a decline due to insufficient funds after it has already delivered the goods or services to the cardholder. Merchants in such scenarios can resubmit the request to recover outstanding debt from cardholders. |
3902 | Delayed Charges Transaction – Delayed charge transaction is performed to process a supplemental account charge after original services have been rendered and respective payment has been processed. Relevant merchant segments are limited to vehicle rental, lodging, cruise lines, and other rentals. |
3903 | Reauthorization Transaction – A merchant initiates a reauthorization when the completion or fulfillment of the original order or service extends beyond the authorization validity limit set by Visa. There are two common reauthorization scenarios: • Split or delayed shipments at eCommerce retailers. A split shipment occurs when not all of the goods ordered are available for shipment at the time of purchase. If the fulfillment of the goods takes place after the authorization validity limit set by Visa, eCommerce merchants perform a separate authorization to ensure that consumer funds are available. • Extended stay hotels, car rentals, and cruise lines. A reauthorization is used for stays, voyages, and/or rentals that extend beyond the authorization validity period set by Visa. |
3904 | No Show Transaction – Cardholders can use their Visa cards to make a guaranteed reservation with certain merchant segments. A guaranteed reservation ensures that the reservation will be honored and allows a merchant to perform a no-show transaction to charge the cardholder a penalty according to the merchant’s cancellation policy. |
POS Environment Codes
POS Environment Code |
Description |
C | Credential on file. |
I | Indicates that the message is for an installment payment. |
R | Indicates that the cardholder and merchant have agreed to periodic billing for goods and services, such as utility bills and magazines. |
Recall for Fraud - Questions and possible answers
ID# | Question | Answer |
RECALL_0001 | Type of fraud committed (e.g., identity theft, cyber, Ponzi, etc.) |
RECALL_0002 | Are the sender and recipient known to each other? | Boolean (Yes/No) |
RECALL_0003 | Relevant law enforcement agency report and reference number | String (250) |
RECALL_0004 | Have your anti-fraud controls been reviewed? | Boolean (Yes/No) |
Account Identifier Type Codes
Code | Description |
00 | Other |
01 | Routing transit number (RTN) and bank account |
02 | IBAN |
03 | Card account |
04 | |
05 | Phone number |
06 | Bank account number (BAN) and bank identification code (BIC) |
07 | Wallet ID |
08 | Social network ID |
Account Name Inquiry Results (cardHolderNameVerificationResult)
<a href=\"/request_response_codes#ani_match_decision_codes\">ANI match decision</a>
Code | Description |
01 | Match |
50 | Partial Match |
99 | No Match |
<a href=\"/request_response_codes#ani_name_result_codes\">ANI name Result</a>"
Code | Description |
00 | Name match performed |
01 | Name match not performed |
02 | Name match not supported |