DragonPass logoU.S. Bank

U.S. Bank uses Mobile Location Confirmation as an opt-in feature of their mobile app to help prevent false declines for travelers by verifying if a customer’s mobile device and credit or debit card are in the same location.

API Used:

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Help make purchases more convenient on the road

“During the holiday season, consumers frequently make large purchases outside of known locations when traveling, and the location services feature gives our customers more control of their card activity, both domestically and internationally.”

– John Steward, President, Retail Payment Solutions

A partnership built on innovation and APIs

The innovation teams at U.S. Bank and Visa Developer work closely together to roll out new products and services—and co-sponsor events like Hack Big for Small Business.

Developing big ideas for small business together

Developing big ideas for small business together

See how teams of developers mashed up APIs and ideas from Visa and U.S. Bank together to innovate for small business at Hack Big for Small Business.

Empowering developers to try something new

Empowering developers to try something new

Take a look inside Hack Big for Small Business and hear from key team members to see how Visa Developer helps inspire the API strategy at U.S. Bank.

Providing winning tools to participants

Providing winning tools to participants

“In preparing for Hack Big for Small Business with Visa, I was pleased to find a broad cross section of APIs in their portal that would provide developers the ability to quickly light up their apps with payment data and functionality.” – Doug Nielson, Senior Vice President, Innovation Research & Development

A platform for innovation from Visa

A platform for innovation from Visa

“The breadth of APIs available as well as the level of documentation within the API reference material made it so easy for developers to quickly incorporate Visa functionality into new products on their own.” – Jeff Michaelson, Innovation Architect

Taking advantage of hackathon insights

“Visa provided a cutting-edge developer platform that enabled Hack Big for Small Business participants to easily build out real-world, innovative solutions using Visa APIs. We’ve incorporated insights from the event to help us build out a strategy that we anticipate bringing to market later this year.”

– Craig Hodnett, Senior Vice President, New Product Development

View more partner use cases
View use cases from Visa

Disclaimer: All brand names and logos are the property of their respective owners, used for identification purposes only, and do not imply product endorsement or affiliation with Visa. Any third party solutions and links to third party sites are for your information only and equally do not constitute a Visa endorsement. Benefits depend on implementation details and business factors. Depictions are illustrative only and use of capabilities and features are subject to Visa’s terms and conditions and may require development, implementation and resources by you based on your business and operational details. Please refer to the specific API documentation for details on the requirements, eligibility and geographic availability.