VAU Merchant Search API

Use Cases, Sample Code and Implementation Steps

How to Use VAU Merchant Search API

Use Cases Supported: The VAU Merchant Search API supports the following use cases. For more information, please refer to the information on VDC portal or test cases examples.



Use Case


Active Merchant

When the API call is made with appropriate segment and merchant id, the API returns when merchant(s) are successfully enrolled and is/are in "Active” status in VAU.

Inactive Merchant

When the API call is made with appropriate segment and merchant id, the API returns when merchant(s) are successfully enrolled and is/are “Inactive” status in VAU


When the API call is made with appropriate segment and merchant id, the API returns when the merchant is not eligible to be enrolled.


When the API call is made with appropriate segment and merchant id, the API returns when additional research is required.

Not Found

When the API call is made with appropriate segment and merchant id, the API returns when merchants are not present in VAU.


When the API call is made with appropriate segment and merchant id, the API returns returned when a merchant ID is not found, or other fields do not meet the validation.


Sample Code snippets: The following code snippet shows an example of an (inquiry) request payload with multiple PANs for some of the above use cases and the response includes new PAN and expiration date, new expiration date, closed account, contact cardholder and validation (no changes to PAN/expiration date). For more details, please visit Visa Development Center and select VAU Acquirer API.

Request Payload:


    "acquirerSegmentId": 2,
    "subMerchantName": "",
    "acquirerOrMerchantProprietaryInfo": "",
    "merchantId": "00000067625P",
    "inquiries": [
            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4aaaaaaaaaa55737",
            "expirationDate": "2210"
            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4bbbbbbbbb254355",
            "expirationDate": "2609"
            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4ccccccccc99386",
            "expirationDate": "2608"
            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4ddddddddd915103",
            "expirationDate": "2501"
            "cardholderAccountNumber": "4eeeeeeeee522668",
            "expirationDate": "2610"


Response Payload:


    "acquirerSegmentId": 2,

    "merchantId": "00000067625P",

    "subMerchantName": "",

    "acquirerOrMerchantProprietaryInfo": "",

    "responses": [   


            "oldCardholderAccountNumber": "4aaaaaaaaa355737",

            "oldExpirationDate": "2210",

            "newCardholderAccountNumber": "4zzzzzzzzzz54355",

            "newExpirationDate": "2609",

            "serviceIdentifier": "A",

            "previouslySentFlag": "Y"



            "oldCardholderAccountNumber": "4bbbbbbbbb099386",

            "oldExpirationDate": "2608",

            "newCardholderAccountNumber": "4bbbbbbbbb099386",

            "newExpirationDate": "2609",

            "serviceIdentifier": "E",

            "previouslySentFlag": "N"



            "oldCardholderAccountNumber": "4ccccccccc254355",

            "oldExpirationDate": "2609",

            "newCardholderAccountNumber": "",

            "newExpirationDate": "",

            "serviceIdentifier": "C",

            "previouslySentFlag": "N"



            "oldCardholderAccountNumber": "4ddddddddd915103",

            "oldExpirationDate": "2501",

            "newCardholderAccountNumber": "",

            "newExpirationDate": "",

            "serviceIdentifier": "Q",

            "previouslySentFlag": "N"



            "oldCardholderAccountNumber": "4eeeeeeeee22668",

            "oldExpirationDate": "2610",

            "newCardholderAccountNumber": "4eeeeeeeee522668",

            "newExpirationDate": "2610",

            "serviceIdentifier": "V",

            "previouslySentFlag": "N"



    "rejects": []



Implementation Steps: Please refer to "Getting Started with VAU Acquirer API"




You can find the technical specification for each alias operation on the API reference tab, and download the latest batch file processing technical specification.

Note: This service is available only in selected countries, please contact your Visa Representative for more information.