Error Codes for Visa Payments Processing

Error Codes and Exception Handling

The VPP APIs use conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. The HTTP status code 200 is returned for a successful API call. Other HTTP status codes, such as 400 and 500, are returned for unsuccessful calls. 

To determine the status of any VPP API call, use the combination of the HTTP status code returned in the response, error code from the Visa platform and other information included in the response message in order to apply the correct processing logic and communicate with customers.

The following table provides additional guidance on how to interpret and act upon status responses.

Exception Handling

HTTP Status Code Error Code Error Description
200 None API request processed successfully. A combination of the actionCd and tranReslt attributes returned in the response indicate the outcome of the transaction (e.g. 00 Approved, 10 Partially Approved, etc.). 
400 Various The message had validation errors due to invalid field lengths, data type, or missing fields.
401 None The API request is returned if user's credentials are invalid.
Authentication failure.
402 Various API request failed due to a processing error or issuer declined the payment transaction. For Capture and Void requests, tranReslt may contain a NotProcessed status.
403 None The URL access is not permitted. Contact your Visa production support contact for assistance.
404 None The URL is invalid or the Resource could not be found.
500 None An internal server error occured. Contact your Visa production support contact for assistance.
503 None Service unavailable. Contact your Visa production support contact for assistance.
504 None Timeout due to a processing issue or a network connectivity issue. Contact your Visa production support contact for assistance.