Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce logoCIBC

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) uses Foreign Exchange Rates for “Travel Tools,” its mobile app feature that provides customers with real-time foreign currency costs when making purchases abroad.

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How CIBC keeps up with the currency needs of Canadian travelers

 “We’re continuously evolving our mobile technology to provide a more personalized banking experience for clients—adapting to how they use their mobile devices, which is increasingly about delivering advice, rather than just conducting routine banking transactions.”

—Steve Webster, VP Travel Cards

Currency conversion picture

Simplifying currency conversion

See how CIBC helps its customers make more informed decisions when shopping abroad by incorporating Visa Foreign Exchange Rates into their mobile app experience.

Working together pic

Working together to improve customer experience

See how Visa helped bring Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and National Australia Bank together to collaborate and create better mobile banking experiences for their customers with the latest Visa APIs.

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