Jyske Bank logoJyske Bank

Jyske Bank uses Visa Global ATM Locator and Foreign Exchange Rates in their mobile banking app to create a more seamless travel experience for customers.

APIs Used:

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Creating a richer customer experience through combined perspective

"The whole build experience was a pleasure. We saw terrific commitment from the two small teams on both sides and built a solution faster than we thought possible. We'd never worked with external partners in this way. Now, it's become our template for collaborative success."

— Katrine Bak Primdahl, Senior Vice President for Card Payments

“It feels like it was made by developers for developers.”

"Visa Developer Platform is great for exploring the APIs made available by Visa. You don't have to read through tons of fragmented service documents to get an overview of the implementation — it's all gathered in one place. It's intuitive, utilizes common data structures and protocols so it's easy to implement client endpoints. If it gets complicated there is always a guide to help us through."


— Ander Bloch, IT Architect


Collaboration and innovation pic

Meeting customer needs through collaboration and innovation

See how Visa and Jyske Bank brought technical and business teams together with the goal to co-create a frictionless customer experience that enables a new level of convenience.

Building better travel experience pic

Building a better travel experience for customers

See how Jyske Bank identified a common customer problem and used the Visa APIs to create a more seamless travel experience solution within its mobile app.

Making digital payments easier for customers abroad


Converting Euros to Kroner


Converting Kroner to US Dollars

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Disclaimer: All brand names and logos are the property of their respective owners, used for identification purposes only, and do not imply product endorsement or affiliation with Visa. Any third party solutions and links to third party sites are for your information only and equally do not constitute a Visa endorsement. Benefits depend on implementation details and business factors. Depictions are illustrative only and use of capabilities and features are subject to Visa’s terms and conditions and may require development, implementation and resources by you based on your business and operational details. Please refer to the specific API documentation for details on the requirements, eligibility and geographic availability.