Getting Started with DPS Card and Account Services

Things to Know

DPS Card and Account Services APIs supports a set of debit and prepaid card and account services, which are supported by Visa DPS. They can be used by any developer in the sandbox. 

Note: Currently, only Visa DPS issuers and partners can use these APIs in production. Back-end technical integration with Visa may be required to perform the functions listed.

For further information, contact


The following table lists the regional availability for DPS Card and Account Services. To view availability of all products, refer to the Availability Matrix.

North America Asia-Pacific Europe CEMEA LAC Notes
  • Available in entire region
  • Not available
  • See notes for available countries

API Channel Fees

Refer to your contractual agreements for any charges related to these services. To avoid additional costs, you should design your APIs to minimize unnecessary or excessive calls, and to be as efficient as possible. You are also accountable for the API usage conducted by third-party vendors on your behalf.