The allowed characters for the address line 1, 2, and 3 are: .',:_#/ ()ÁáÀàÂâÄäÃãÇçÉéÈèÊêËëÍíÎîÏïÑñÓóÔôÕõŒœÚúÙùÛûÜüŸÿÆæĄąĆćĘꣳŃńŚśŹźŻż/
Field |
Description |
addressId |
(Conditional) The address identifier in the SRC system. Format: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
name |
(Conditional) The recipient name for the address, if known. Required when known to the SRC system for this address Format: Alphanumeric; maximum 140 characters |
line1 |
(Conditional) Line 1 of the address. Required if this is a shipping address in a valid format for the country. Format: Maximum 140 characters. Alphanumeric |
line2 |
(Optional) Line 2 of the address. Format: Maximum 140 characters. Alphanumeric |
line3 |
(Optional) Line 3 of the address. Format: Maximum 140 characters. Alphanumeric |
city |
(Conditional) The city associated with the address. Required if this is a shipping address in a valid format for the country. Format: Alphanumeric, maximum 100 characters. |
state |
(Conditional) The state associated with the address. Required if this is a shipping address in a valid format for the country. Format: String |
zip |
(Conditional) The zip code associated with the address. Required if this is a shipping address in a valid format for the country and has a postal code or zip code. Format: Alphabetic, numeric; 3–16 characters. |
countryCode |
(Required) The country code associated with the address. Format: ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard code Example: AU - Australia |
Field |
Description |
srcDigitalCardId |
(Conditional) ID of the selected card. Required if consumerIdentity is not present. Format: String |
consumerIdentity |
(Conditional) Primary verifiable consumer identifier within an SRC Profile; for example, an email address. Required if srcDigitalCardId is not present. Note: Mobile phone numbers are not supported. Format: A consumerIdentity structure |
Field |
Description |
verificationData |
(Required) Set of verification data structures relating to distinct types of assurance. Format: List of VerificationData structures. |
eci |
(Optional) If present, a value indicating the result of the authenti cation performed or attempted during a transaction. Use this value in the e-commerce authorization message to VisaNet. Format: String; maximum 2 digits. It is one of the following values:
Field |
Description |
authenticationReasons |
(Required) SRCi-provided authentication reasons used by the SRC System to perform authentication. Format: They are one or more of the following enumerated values:
srciDpaId |
(Conditional) DPA identifier, which is generated by the SRC system during DPA registration. Either srciDpaId or a dpaData structure must be provided when authenticationReasons is TRANSACTION_AUTHENTICATION. Format: String, 64 bytes |
dpaData |
(Conditional) DPA registration data. Format: A DpaData structure. |
dpaTransactionOptions |
(Optional) DPA configuration data, which overrides the configu ration on the SRC system that was created during DPA registration. Ignored if supplied in the init call or elsewhere in the checkout call. Format: DpaTransactionOptions structure |
acquirerMerchantId |
(Required) Acquirer-assigned Merchant identifier. Value must be provided to perform transaction authentication by the SRC System. Format: String |
acquirerBIN |
(Required) Acquirer identification code as assigned by the Directory Server. Value must be provided to perform transaction authenti cation by the SRC System. Format: String |
merchantName |
(Required) Merchant name assigned by the Acquirer or Payment System. Value must be provided to perform transaction authenti cation by the SRC System. Format: String |
Field |
Description |
authenticationMethodType |
(Required) SRCi to indicate for a particular transaction if Click to Pay needs to perform managed authentication or not. Format: It is one of the following values:
authenticationSubject |
(Optional) Authentication subject. This should be set to CARDHOLDER. Format: It is one of the following values:
uriData |
(Optional) URI associated with the authentication method, if available. Format: A UriData structure |
authenticationCredentialReference |
(Optional) Authentication credential reference, which may be provided by the identity provider once an authentication is initiated to qualify the nature of the authentication method. For example, SMS_OTP may use the masked mobile number "***-***-1234", which can be displayed to the Consumer to aid method selection. Format: String |
methodAttributes |
(Optional) Attributes related to the authentication method; see "Method Attributes." Format: JSON object |
Field |
Description |
authenticationMethods |
(Optional) SRCIs may provide their preferences related to an authentication method so that SRC system can facilitate authentication. For e.g. SRCI preferred value for Challenge indicator may be passed here. Format: List of AuthenticationMethod structures |
payloadRequested |
(Optional) Whether the SRCi or merchant prefers an authenticated payload. Format: It is one of the following values:
Field |
Description |
primaryAccountNumber |
(Required) The account number of the card to be enrolled and provisioned. Format: Numeric |
panExpirationMonth |
(Required) The account number expiration month. Format: Numeric, 2 digits, MM |
panExpirationYear |
(Required) The account number expiration year. Format: Numeric, 4 digits, YYYY |
cardSecurityCode |
(Conditional) The card security code (CVV2) value associated with the account number on the card, if available. Required for those cards that a card security code. Format: Numeric, 3-4 digits |
cardholderFullName |
(Conditional) The full name of the cardholder on the card. Required if the billingAddress name field or the cardHolderFirstName and cardHolderLastName are not passed. Format: String |
cardholderFirstName |
(Optional) The first name of the cardholder. Format: String |
cardholderLastName |
(Optional) The last name of the cardholder. Format: String |
billingAddress |
(Optional) Billing address. Format: An address structure. |
paymentAccountReference |
(Conditional) The Payment Account Reference (PAR) associated with the cardholder account that uniquely identifies the account to which the payment card is associated. Format: String |
Field |
Description |
complianceResources |
(Conditional) One or more compliance resources, which consists of a single compliance type and URI. Required when complianceSettings is specified. Format: Array of complianceType and uri pairs. |
complianceType |
(Required) Compliance type. Format: String. It is one of the following values:
uri |
(Required) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), a valid web address or URL Format: String of characters; maximum 1024 characters |
Field |
Description |
firstName |
(Optional) Consumer’s first name. Format: String; maximum 30 characters |
lastName |
(Optional) Consumer’s last name. Format: Alphanumeric; between 2–80 characters |
fullName |
(Optional) Consumer’s full name. Format: Alphanumeric; between 2–80 characters |
mobileNumber |
(Optional) Consumer's phone number. Format: PhoneNumber structure |
countryCode |
(Optional) The country code associated with the address. Format: ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard code Example: AU - Australia |
languageCode |
(Optional) Consumer's locale. Format: Locale, based on ISO format for language (ISO 639-1) and alpha-2 country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). The language and country should be separated using a (_). Example: en_US |
consumerIdentity |
(Optional) Primary verifiable consumer identifier within an SRC Profile; for example, an email address. Note: Mobile phone numbers are not supported. Format: A consumerIdentity structure |
nationalIdentifier |
(Optional) Geographicspecific, nationally-provided identifier for the Consumer. Format: String; max. 20 characters |
Field |
Description |
identityProvider |
(Optional) The Identity provider. The default value is SRC Format: String |
identityValue |
(Required) Value of the consumer identity, which is used to locate information within the SRC profile. Note: Only an email address is supported. Format: String Example: |
identityType |
(Required) The type of the consumer identity. It is one of the following values:
Format: String |
Field |
Description |
checkoutEventType |
(Optional) Event type associated with the update. Format: It is one of the following values:
checkoutEventStatus |
(Optional) Event types associated with the order. Format: It is one of the following values:
confirmationStatus |
(Optional) Status of the event as provided by the SRCi in the Confir mation message. Format: It is one of the following values:
confirmationReason |
(Optional) Description of the reason for the event associated with the order. Format: String; maximum 64 characters |
confirmationTimestamp |
(Optional) Date and time, in coordinated Universal Time, (UTC) of the event completion corresponding to the Confirmation event by the SRCi. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp, in milliseconds |
networkAuthorizationCode |
(Optional) Authorization code associated with an approved transaction. Format: String; maximum 25 characters |
networkTransactionIdentifier |
(Optional) Unique authorization-related tracing value assigned by a Payment Network. Format: String; maximum 25 characters |
paymentNetworkReference |
(Optional) Transaction identifier as provided by a Payment Network after authorization has been completed. Format: String; maximum 25 characters |
assuranceData |
Future |
transactionAmount |
(Optional) Amount of the transaction. Supplied if 3DS is performed by the SRC system. Format: TransactionAmount structure |
Field |
Description |
checkoutOrchestrator |
(Optional) Checkout orchestrator. Must be "merchant" for Merchant Orchestrated Checkout. Format: String |
customFlowType |
(Optional) Flow type indicator for SRC orchestrated flows. Format: It is one of the following values:
paymentCardTypeSelected |
(Optional) Identifies the cardholder selection to process the transaction as either debit or credit at checkout. Applicable only when the card product supports both credit and debit (Combo) options. Format: It is one of the following values:
Field |
Description |
status |
The digital card status any given time in the SRC system. Format: It is one of the following values:
presentationName |
Presentation text created by the consumer to enable recognition of the PAN entered into the DCF. This value is unique to the DCF and defined by the consumer. Format: String; maximum 64 characters |
descriptorName |
Presentation text defined by the SRC programme that describes the PAN presented as a digital card. This descriptor is the same across all DCFs. Format: String; maximum 64 characters |
artUri |
URI of the Art card application. Can be provided by SRC Issuer (SRCPI) . Format: A valid URI; maximum 100 characters |
artHeight |
Height of the Art card image, in pixels. Format: Numeric value between 1 and 4096, inclusive |
artWidth |
Width of the Art card image, in pixels. Format: Numeric value between 1 and 4096, inclusive |
pendingEvents |
Set of events that are pending completion such as Card Holder Verification, AVS, SCA, Device Binding, etc. Required when the value of status is set to PENDING. Format: It is an array of one or more of the following strings:
authenticationMethods |
Authentication method indicated by the SRCi to the SRC System. |
Field |
Description |
uri |
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), a valid web address or URL Format: String of characters; maximum 256 characters |
logoUri |
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for your company logo. Format: String of characters; maximum 256 characters Example: |
name |
The name on the digital card. Format: Alphanumeric; maximum 256 characters |
Field |
Description |
srciDpaId |
(Conditional) DPA identifier, which is generated by the SRC system during DPA registration. Required if srciDpaId is not provided in the top-level structure of the request body; optional unless you want to specify a display presentation name, the website address, or the preferred 3DS behavior. Format: String, 64 bytes |
dpaPresentationName |
(Conditional) Display name of the DPA. Required to facilitate transaction authentication. Format: String, Example: Mycompany Online |
dpaUri |
(Optional) The URI for the website. Example: |
dpaThreeDsPreference Deprecated |
(Optional) Contact your Visa representative for information about using this field to receive authentication data. Format: It is one of the following values:
This structure represents the config parameters that are common across all transactions, originates from the Digital Payment Application (DPA).
Field |
Description |
dpaLocale |
(Optional) DPA’s preferred locale. This can be the same as the locale in the init parameters or can be different. Format: Based on ISO format for language (ISO 639-1) and alpha-2 country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). The language and country should be separated using an underscore ( _ ). Example: en_US, fr_CA |
dpaAcceptedBillingCountries |
(Optional) Billing countries. Payments from the listed billing countries are accepted. If this list is empty, all countries are accepted. Format: Array of country codes in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format Example: ["US", "CA", "AU"] |
dpaAcceptedShippingCountries |
(Optional) Shipping countries; shipping region country codes that limit the selection of eligible shipping addresses. If this list is empty, all countries are accepted. Format: Array of country codes in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format |
authenticationPreferences |
(Conditional) Authentication preferences provided by the SRCi. Required for the SRC system to facilitate authentication. Format: An authenticationPreferences structure |
acquirerBIN |
(Conditional) Acquirer BIN. Required for the SRC system to facilitate authentication. Format: String |
merchantName |
(Conditional) Merchant name. Required for the SRC system to facilitate authentication. Format: String |
recurringData |
(Conditional) The data specific to a recurring transaction. Required for the SRC system to facilitate authentication when the transaction is initiated for a recurring purchase. Format: A recurringData structure |
acquirerMerchantId |
(Conditional) Acquirer-assigned Merchant identifier. Required for the SRC system to facilitate authentication. Format: String |
dpaBillingPreference |
(Optional) Verbosity of billing address required by the DPA. Format: It is one of the following values:
dpaShippingPreference |
(Optional) Extent to which DPA wants to have shipping address collected. Not required for Merchant Orchestrated Checkout; if passed, it will be changed to NONE. Format: It is one of the following values:
consumerNameRequested |
(Optional) Whether the name of the consumer has been requested. Format: It is one of the following values:
consumerEmailAddressRequested |
(Optional) Whether the email address of the consumer has been requested. Format: It is one of the following values:
consumerPhoneNumberRequested |
(Optional) Whether the Phone number of the consumer has been requested. Format: It is one of the following values:
consumerNationalIdentifier Requested |
(Optional) Whether the Consumer National identifier for the consumer is requested. Format: It is one of the following values:
paymentOptions |
(Optional) Payment options requested by the DPA. Format: PaymentOptions structure |
reviewAction |
(Optional) Whether the payment will be processed immediately after selection or after confirmation. Format: It is one of the following values:
checkoutDescription |
(Optional) Review message to go with action. Format: String |
transactionType |
(Optional) Type of the transaction. Format: It is one of the following values:
orderType Deprecated |
(Optional) Type of orders. Format: It is one of the following values:
transactionInstruction Deprecated |
(Optional) Transaction instruction. Format: Enum; it is one of the following values:
numberOfPayments Deprecated |
(Conditional) Maximum number of authorizations for installment payments. Required when transactionInstruction is specified. Format: |
purchaseDate Deprecated |
(Conditional) Original purchase date. Required when transactionInstruction is specified. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. The value is in milliseconds. |
recurringEndDate Deprecated |
(Conditional) The date after which no further recurring authorizations should be performed. Required when transactionInstruction is specified. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. The value is in milliseconds. |
recurringFrequency Deprecated |
(Conditional) Minimum number of days between recurring authorizations. Required when transactionInstruction is specified. Format: Integer |
payloadTypeIndicator |
(Optional) The verbosity of payload requested. Format: Enum, it is one of the following values:
transactionAmount |
(Conditional) Amount of the transaction. Required for SRC system to facilitate authentication. Format: TransactionAmount structure |
merchantOrderId |
(Optional) The order identifier generated by the DPA. Typically used for reconciliation process by the DPA. Format: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
merchantCategoryCode |
(Optional) Code associated with Merchant Category Format: 4-digit string |
merchantCountryCode |
(Optional) The country code associated with the merchant’s billing or shipping address. Format: ISO-3166 - 1 alpha-2 standard code Example: US – United States |
threeDsInputData Deprecated |
(Deprecated) If 3DS is requested for the transaction, this attribute is required. Format: ThreeDSInputData structure |
dpaThreeDsPreference Deprecated |
(Deprecated) Do not specify a value here. Set dpaThreeDsPreference in the dpaData structure instead. |
authenticatedCredentialRequested Deprecated |
Do not specify a value here. Set the payloadRequested field in the authenticationPreferences structure instead. SRCi preference to perform authentication and to receive authentication data for the transaction. Format: It is one of the following values:
customInputData |
(Optional) Custom input data elements presented to the SRC System. Format: CustomInputData structure; see "Custom Input Data." |
Field |
Description |
dynamicDataValue |
The value of the dynamic data. Must be provided when dynamicDataType is not NONE. Format: String |
dynamicDataType |
Type of dynamic data required in the payload. Format: It is one of the following values:
dynamicDataExpiration |
The requested validity period for the dynamic data in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Format: String, 25 characters Example: Wed Jan 15 23:40:23 GMT 2020 |
Field |
Description |
srciTransactionId |
(Required) A unique transaction ID created by the SRCi, which may be created on the merchant page. It must be passed through to all networks (SRC systems) and DCFs. Format: Alphanumeric, maximum 100 characters |
srciDpaId |
(Conditional) A unique ID provided by the SRCi for the DPA, which can be used as an external client ID. Required if srciDpaId in dpaData is not provided. Format: String |
srcInitiatorId |
(Required) SRCi identifier generated by an SRC system during the onboarding process. Format: String |
dpaData |
(Conditional) DPA registration data. Required if srciDpaId is not provided. Format: DpaData structure |
dpaTransactionOptions |
(Required) DPA configuration data, which overrides the configu ration on the SRC system that was created during DPA registration. Format: DpaTransactionOptions structure |
The allowed characters for the address line 1, 2, and 3 are: .',:_#/ ()ÁáÀàÂâÄäÃãÇçÉéÈèÊêËëÍíÎîÏïÑñÓóÔôÕõŒœÚúÙùÛûÜüŸÿÆæĄąĆćĘꣳŃńŚśŹźŻż/
Field |
Description |
addressId |
The ID associated with the masked address in the SRC system. Format: String |
line1 |
Line 1 of the masked address in the SRC system. Required for shipping address. Format: Alphanumeric, Maximum 140 characters. For country specific information, see Visa Checkout Address Formats by Country. Example: 1** M*** St |
line2 |
Line 2 of the masked address in the SRC system. Required for shipping address. Format: Alphanumeric, Maximum 140 characters. |
line3 |
Line 3 of the masked address in the SRC system. Required for shipping address. Format: Alphanumeric, Maximum 140 characters. |
city |
City name associated with the masked address in the SRC system. The address must have the city name in the valid address format for the country. Format: Alphanumeric, UTF-8 white space; maximum 100 characters |
state |
State code associated with the masked address in the SRC system. The address must have the state name in the valid address format for the country. Must be a valid 2-characters code for US and CA and a valid 3- characters code for AU. Format: String Example: VA |
zip |
The zip code associated with the masked address. Format: Alphanumeric, maximum 3–16 characters. |
countryCode |
Country code associated with the masked address in the SRC system. Format: ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard code Example: US |
createTime |
Date and time the masked address was created. Format: String; 25 characters |
lastUsedTime |
Date and time the masked address was last used. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. The value is in milliseconds. |
Field |
Description |
srcDigitalCardId |
A unique ID associated with the digital card. Represent the PAN or payment token. Format: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), maximum 36 characters |
panBin |
The bank ID number associated with the card, the first significant digits of the PAN included in an unmasked form. Format: Numeric maximum length = PAN length - 10 |
tokenBinRange |
Token's BIN range or subset of the BIN range that has been designated only for the purpose of issuing payment tokens included in an unmasked form. Format: Numeric; maximum length = payment token length - 10 |
paymentAccountReference |
The Payment Account Reference (PAR) associated with the cardholder account that uniquely identifies the account to which the payment card is associated. Format: String |
panLastFour |
Last 4 digits of the PAN included in an unmasked form. Format: Numeric; maximum 4 digits |
tokenLastFour |
Last 4 digits of the Payment Token.included in an unmasked form. Format: Numeric; maximum 4 digits |
panExpirationMonth |
The month when the account number is set to expire. Format: Numeric; 2 digits |
panExpirationYear |
The year when the account number is set to expire. Format: Numeric; 4 digits |
digitalCardData |
The metadata about the card, which contains digital card information used in the acceptance environment and in the user interface. This data provides a reference to the actual PAN or Payment token without actually disclosing either. Digital card data is grouped together based on the following categories:
Format: DigitalCardData structure |
dateOfCardCreated |
Timestamp that identifies when this card was enrolled into the SRC system. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. The value is in milliseconds. |
maskedBillingAddress |
Billing address associated with the card, masked for display purposes. Format: MaskedAddress structure |
dateOfCardLastUsed |
Timestamp that identifies when this card was last used for an SRC transaction. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. The value is in milliseconds. |
dcf |
The Digital card facilitator (DCF) system associated with the card. It is present only when the MaskedCard data structure is used in the checkout or payload response. Format: DCF structure |
paymentCardDescriptor |
The card brand, defined within an SRC program. Format: string, maximum 32 characters |
paymentCardType |
Indicates whether the card supports both credit and debit options. Format: It is a list of one or more of the following values:
digitalCardFeatures |
Set of Digital Card attributes related to digital card features that should be displayed to the consumer. Format: DigitalCardFeatures structure |
countryCode |
Country code of issuance associated with the card issuer’s BIN license. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code |
Field |
Description |
srcConsumerId |
SRC consumer Reference identifier generated by the SRC system. Format: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
countryCode |
Country code associated with the masked address of consumer country in the SRC system. Format: ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard code |
languageCode |
Consumer's locale. Format: Locale, based on ISO format for language (ISO 639-1) and alpha-2 country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). The language and country should be separated using a (_). |
status |
Signifies the state of the consumer at any given time at the SRC system. Format: It is one of the following values:
dateConsumerAdded |
Timestamp that identifies when the consumer was added to the SRC system . Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. The value is in milliseconds. |
maskedConsumerIdentity |
Masked value of the primary verifiable consumer Identifier within an SRC profile. For example, an email address or a mobile phone number. Format: maskedConsumerIdentity structure |
maskedEmailAddress |
The email address of the consumer. Note: This field supports internationalization using UTF-8 characters. Format: A valid email address; maximum 255 characters |
maskedFirstName |
The first name of the consumer. Note: getSrcProfile response will not return maskedFirstName. Format: Alphanumeric; maximum 30 characters |
maskedLastName |
The last name of the consumer. Note: getSrcProfile response will not return maskedLastName. Format: Alphanumeric; maximum 30 characters |
maskedFullName |
The full name of the consumer. Note: getSrcProfile response will not return maskedFullName. Format: Alphanumeric; maximum 60 characters |
maskedMobileNumber |
The mobile number of the consumer Note: getSrcProfile response will not return maskedMobileNumber. Format: PhoneNumber structure |
maskedNationalIdentifier |
Masked consumer national Identifier Format: Alphanumeric; maximum 20 characters |
complianceSettings |
Consumer compliance settings Format: ComplianceSettings structure |
dateConsumerLastUsed |
Timestamp that identifies when the consumer last transacted to the SRC system. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. The value is in milliseconds. |
Field |
Description |
identityType |
The type of primary consumer Identifier to an SRC Profile. Format: It is one of the following values:
Example: "identityType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS" |
maskedIdentityValue |
Masked consumer’s email address or mobile phone number. Example: "maskedIdentityValuee": "xyz**" |
Field |
Description |
challengeIndicator |
(Optional) A challenge indicator value related to 3DS authentication. Format: It is one of the following values:
otpValue |
(Conditional) One time password; required when authenticationMethodType in the authenticationMethod structure is SMS_OTP or EMAIL_OTP. Format: String; max. 16 characters |
stepUpIdentifier |
(Conditional) Step-up identification; required when authenticationMethodType in the authenticationMethod structure is SMS_OTP, EMAIL_OTP, or APP_AUTHENTICATION. |
Attributes related to the results of a given authentication method.
Field |
Description |
transStatus |
Whether a transaction qualifies as an authenticated transaction (for 3DS authentication). Format: It is one of the following string values:
dsTransId |
ID assigned by the DS to identify the transaction (for 3DS authenti cation). Format: String; UUID |
acsTransId |
ID assigned by the ACS to identify the transaction (for 3DS authenti cation). Format: String; UUID |
Note: Refer to the EMVCo 3DS Specification for more details on the 3DSspecific attributes and definitions.
Parameter |
Description |
dpaDynamicDataTtlMinutes |
(Optional) The minimum requested validity period for the transaction credentials, such as a cryptogram, returned by the SRC system, in minutes. If this is not provided, the values are determined by the SRCs. Format: integer Example: 2 |
dynamicDataType |
(Optional) The dynamic data type. Format: It is one of the following values:
dpaPanRequested |
(Optional) Whether PAN data is requested. Format: It is one of the following values:
Field |
Description |
paymentToken |
The tokenized payment instrument. Format: String; ISO/IEC 7812 format |
tokenExpirationMonth |
Tokenized payment instrument expiration month. Format: Numeric, 2 digits; MM |
tokenExpirationYear |
Tokenized payment instrument expiration year. Format: Numeric, 4 digits; YYYY |
paymentAccountReference |
A non-financial reference assigned to each unique PAN and used to link a Payment Account represented by that PAN to affiliated Payment Tokens. Format: Alphanumeric, maximum 29 characters |
Field |
Description |
countryCode |
The country code associated with the consumer phone number. Format: The E.164 format includes the country code, the local area code, and the local phone number. No spaces: When adding the number as a contact, there should be no spaces. Remove special characters: All spaces, dashes, and parentheses should be removed, and all characters should be numeric. The country code must not include +.
Example: 1 |
phoneNumber |
Phone number without country code. Format: The E.164 format. No spaces: When adding the number as a contact, there should be no spaces. Remove special characters: All spaces, dashes, and parentheses should be removed, and all characters should be numeric. For some countries e.g. Australia, leading ‘0’ of the local number needs to be removed while converting to E164 e.g. ‘0423 123 456’ becomes ‘61423123456’
Field |
Description |
recurringAmount |
(Conditional) Recurring amount. Required when recurringData is specified in DPA Transaction Options. Format: Minor units of currency with all punctuation removed. Example: 12345 for $123.45 in USD. |
Field |
Description |
idToken |
A unique identifier associated with the masked token. The ID token is returned only for the consumer recognized by this SRC system. Format: IdToken in JWT format |
maskedCards |
Card list of recognized/authenticated consumer. Format: List of MaskedCard structures |
maskedConsumer |
Recognized consumer. Format: MaskedConsumer structure |
Field |
Description |
transactionAmount |
(Required) Amount associated with transaction. Format: Numeric string; maximum 9 digits before an optional decimal point and 4 decimal digits after |
transactionCurrencyCode |
(Required) Currency code used for the transaction amount. Format: ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code |
Field |
Description |
uri |
(Required) Specifies the URI for the given authentication method. Format: String; maximum 2048 characters |
uriType |
(Required) URI type. Format: It is one of the following values:
Field |
Description |
verificationType |
(Required) Type of verification data. Format: It is one of the following values:
verificationEntity |
(Required) Entity performing the verification. Format: It is one of the following values:
verificationEvents |
(Optional) Event causing the verification to occur. Format: Array that can contain the following values:
verificationMethod |
(Required) Method of verification. Format: It is one of the following values:
verificationResults |
(Required) Result of the verification. Format: It is one of the following values:
verificationTimestamp |
(Required) Date and time in UTC that the verification was conducted. Format: UNIX Epoch timestamp. |
methodResults |
(Optional) Method results. Format: JSON object |