Visa Alias Directory Service

Simplify the push payment experience. Link and resolve an Alias to a payment credential.

How to Use Lifecycle Management, Alias Resolution, and Reporting APIs

Quick Start

A quick introduction for creating and resolving your first Alias.

Step 1

Create an account on Visa Developer and add Alias Directory to your project. Click this link for an example of creating a project and adding APIs.  

Step 2

Connect to the Create Alias API in the Sandbox. Use the below code in your Create Alias API request body. Please fill the alias Value prior to submitting the request. 

  "aliasValue": "{CREATE YOUR OWN VALUE HERE}",
  "aliasType": "PHONE",
  "profile": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "D"
  "consent": {
    "presenter": "Bank A",
    "validFromDateTime": "2022-03-30T04:43:22.043Z",
    "expiryDateTime": "2022-06-20T10:00:00Z",
    "version": "1.0"
  "paymentCredentials": [
      "type": "CARD",
      "preferredFor": [
          "type": "RECEIVE"
      "nameOnCard": "John Doe",
      "accountNumber": "4000000000000000",
      "expirationDate": "2030-01",
      "billingAddress": {
        "addressLine1": "100 Main Street",
        "addressLine2": "Suite 101",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "postalCode": "94105",
        "state": "CA",
        "country": "USA"

You should receive a successful response like the below. The phone number and card are now linked.

  "id": "df844b33-0712-4783-9f84-55d5d90eb2df",
  "paymentCredentials": [
      "type": "CARD",
      "id": "752c1fc5-b13b-4903-a725-090601d26f22"

Step 3

Now use the Resolve API to retrieve the payment credential. Use the below code in the Resolve API request body.

  "aliasType": "PHONE"

You should now be able to see the details associated with the Alias in the response.

  "identification": {},
  "profile": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "D"
  "paymentCredentials": [
      "type": "CARD",
      "accountNumber": "4000000000000000",
      "preferredOn": "2022-10-24T19:35:34.654487Z",
      "nameOnCard": "John Doe",
      "expirationDate": "2030-01",
      "billingAddress": {
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "country": "USA",
        "addressLine1": "100 Main Street",
        "state": "CA",
        "postalCode": "94105",
        "addressLine2": "Suite 101"
  "directoryName": "STANDARD_91D614C3"

Alias Lifecycle Management

Alias Directory allows clients to create Aliases and manage their lifecycle, e.g., update and delete. 

Key Terms

Key Terms Definitions
  • The entities that participate in Alias Directory, e.g. banks.
  • An identifier, such as a phone number or email, that represents a customer of a participant. 
  • An Alias has a list of Profiles
  • A Profile identifies a customer for a specific participant with information such as name, address, etc.
  • Profile has a list of Payment Credentials.
Payment Credential
  • This is the payment instrument that is associated with a Profile.
  • Examples of payment credentials are cards and bank accounts.
  • A list of configurations, such as duplicate resolution rules, that determine the behavior of the Alias Directory for a group of Participants.
  • For example, separate programs might be created for different regions or countries which require specific configurations to meet market requirements.
  • All participants will be part of a default Visa program unless there are specific requirements necessary in a particular market. Please contact your implementation manager for more information. 

Data Schema Overview

The below diagram is a simple visual of how this data is mapped in Alias Directory. In the below example

  • A customer named John has a phone number.
  • John is a customer of two banks: Bank A and Bank B. Both banks are participating in Alias Directory. John has provided consent to register his information in Alias Directory.
  • In the Alias Directory database, John has two profiles - one for each bank.
  • John has a checking account and debit card in each bank and registers them in Alias Directory. In the Alias Directory database, each checking account and debit card is mapped to the respective profile. 
  • John selected his debit card at Bank A as his preferred payment credential

Alias Lifecycle Management APIs Overview



Create Alias


  • This creates an Alias record which consists of a Profile and Payment Credential(s).
  • Multiple payment credential types can be added with a Create Alias call. However, only one of each payment credential type can be added with a Create Alias call. For example, a Create Alias call can include a card and bank account. However, it cannot include two bank accounts. A second bank account can be linked to the same Alias using the Add Payment Credentials API.


Update Alias


  • Updates the information in the Alias. Only the entity which has the appropriate permissions can make any edits to the Alias information. In the above example, only “Bank A” can edit “Bank A” information. “Bank A” cannot edit “Bank B” information.
  • This API will allow updates the Profile, Identification, and Consent objects.
  • Any updates to payment credentials should be done with the Update Payment Credentials API.
  • This API replaces the target resource with the content in the request payload, including omitted fields. Clients should perform a GET Alias request prior to using this API.


Delete Alias


  • Deletes a particular Alias. Only the entity which has the appropriate permissions can delete this Alias. In the above example, only “Bank A” can delete the Alias information with “Bank A”. “Bank A” cannot delete “Bank B” information.
  • If an Alias is deleted, then all payment credentials associated with that Identity will also be deleted. In the above example, if “Bank A” deletes John’s phone, then John’s Alias and Payment Credentials with Bank A will also be deleted. “Bank B” information will not be impacted.


Create Payment Credential


  • Adds a payment credential to an existing Alias. This is used when there may be multiple payment credentials such as checking account, savings account, debit card, etc. associated with an Alias


Get All Payment Credentials


  • Retrieve all the payment credentials associated with an Alias
  • In the above example, if Bank A called this API, then the response would contain the card and bank payment credentials associated with John at Bank A


Get Payment Credential


  • Retrieve a single, specific a payment credential associated with an Alias
  • In the above example, Bank A can call this API to only retrieve the information for the card payment credential.


Update Payment Credential


  • Update a payment credential associated with an existing Alias.
  • This API can also be used to update the preferred payment credential associated with an Alias.
  • This API replaces the target resource with the content in the request payload, including omitted fields. Clients should perform a GET Payment Credential request prior to using this API.


Delete Payment Credential


  • Deletes a payment credential associated with an Alias


Alias and Payment Credential Status

Possible Alias statuses:





  • An active Alias can be used for Alias Lifecycle Management and Alias Resolution




  • This status occurs when a participant deletes their Alias
  • This status is internal. Once an alias is deleted, it cannot be made Active or retrieved via any API call. If the same Alias is needed in the future, it must be created again.




  • This status occurs when an Alias is blocked for suspected fraud, suspicious behavior, or findings on sanctions screening. In these cases, Alias Directory will automatically set the Alias as blocked.




  • A client can manually set an Alias as disabled and not be used for Alias resolution. This is up to the client’s discretion.
  • The client can update the status from disabled back to Active. 
  • This can be done via the Update Alias Status API.


  • This status occurs when an Alias has not been used within a specific time period.  This is up to the client’s discretion.
  • The client can update the status from expired back to Active. 
  • This can be done via the Update Alias Status API.


Possible Payment Credential statuses:




  • An active Payment Credential can be used for Alias Lifecycle Management and Alias Resolution


  • This status occurs when the Payment Credential is deleted
  • This status is internal. Once a Payment Credential is deleted, it cannot be made Active or retrieved via any API call. If the same Alias is needed in the future, it must be created again.
  • This status occurs when a Payment Credential is blocked for suspected fraud, suspicious behavior, or findings on sanctions screening. In these cases, Alias Directory will automatically set the Payment Credential as blocked.
  • A client can manually set an Alias as disabled and not be used for Alias resolution. This is up to the client’s discretion. Once Alias is disabled, all associated Payment Credentials will also be disabled. 
  • The client can update the Alias status from disabled back to Active. This will set the associated Payment Credentials activate as well. 
  • This can be done via the Update Alias Status API.
  • This status occurs when an Alias has not been used within a specific time period.  This is up to the client’s discretion. Once Alias is disabled, all associated Payment Credentials will also be expired. 
  • The client can update the status from expired back to Active. 
  • This can be done via the Update Alias Status API.

External IDs


Alias Directory offers clients a number of options for managing their Alias records. Clients may already have an existing id used for their consumer's Alias data and can reuse that id as an externalId.

In the Create Alias call, an id; is returned for the Alias (Line 2) and for each payment credential (Line 6 & 12). Each id is internally generated by Alias Directory and used for identifying each record. Clients can provide an externalId during the Create Alias API and each externalId will be associated with an internal id

In the below example, the externalId is returned in Lines 3,8, and 13. 

    "id": "0ddaa171-5247-424a-a562-40788940c5cf",
    "externalId": "ec66fd21-a328-4943-bb0d-c011b27553b5",
    "paymentCredentials": [
            "type": "CARD",
            "id": "6ef14e04-6d0d-4ec7-b14b-335a46ae45e4",
            "externalId": "0e1d1bdf-11a6-4fa9-bd8d-687c465f7bec"
            "type": "BANK",
            "id": "e6782b9b-0dc8-4669-a5f4-394519e49986",
            "externalId": "4f8b8823-230b-4ffb-b57b-72300ceec150"


Retrieving Internal IDs using External IDs

To perform lifecycle management, clients must use the internal <code>id</code>. If the client is only storing the <code>externalId</code>, the clients must first retrieve the internal <code>id</code> by calling the Get By External ID API and including <code>externalId</code> in the request. See below request example:


The response returns the internal id, which can then be used for lifecycle management. See below response example.


Retrieving Internal IDs using Alias

Clients can also retrieve the internal <code>id</code> of an Alias using the Alias value itself. This can be done via the Get Alias Id From Value API. See below a sample request:

  "aliasValue": "6886217206"

The response will include the id of the Alias.

    "id": "0ddaa171-5247-424a-a562-40788940c5cf"



Alias Resolution


There are two APIs within the Alias Resolution bundle

  1. Alias Resolution - Retrieve information about an Alias and the payment credential(s) associated with the Alias.

  2. Alias Inquiry - Enables clients to check if an Alias or list of Aliases is available for Alias resolution. The response will indicate the Aliases that are available for Alias resolution.

Search Options

Alias Types

Alias Directory currently supports the following Alias types: Phone, Email, Directory_AliasID.

  • Directory_AliasID is a unique identifier which is associated with an Alias. This is used by some wallets in certain markets. For example, in the Peru market, the Directory_AliasID is derived from a QR code, which is associated with an Alias in a particular wallet.


Alias Directory supports a number of filters which can be applied to the Alias Resolution request.

  • Directory_Name - Send Alias Resolution to only this directory
  • Excluded_Directory_Name - Exclude this directory in the Alias Resolution
  • Entity_ID - The entity Id is used to identify the specific participant that created an Alias record. In the local directory, the entity ID is the participant who created the Alias record in the local directory. For remote directories, the entity Id is used by some remote directories to identify the entities within their directory. For example, a remote directory may have multiple banks within its directory. The Alias Resolution request can be sent to a specific bank within that remote directory by using that bank’s entity ID.

Additional details on Entity IDs for Local Directory

  • In the user experience screen below, clients have an option to identify if a user’s Alias is registered as preferred at another financial institution. To use Inquiry API for this experience, a client must first identify its own participant ID. This can be done by first creating an Alias and then using Alias Inquiry API to query that Alias. The id in the “entities” field in the Inquiry API response will be the participant id of the client. 
    "summary": {
        "aliasesTotal": 1,
        "aliasesFound": 1,
        "aliasesNotFound": 0,
        "aliasesRepeated": 0
    "details": [{
        "directoriesName": ["STANDARD_VISA"],
        "directories": [{
            "directoryName": "STANDARD_VISA",
            "entities": [{
                "id": "593f1c3b-73f8-4379-9a82-94f8af407173",
                "preferredFor": [{
                    "type": "RECEIVE",
                    "date": "2024-08-13T05:23:47.985Z"
        "aliasValue": "411223344555",
        "aliasType": "PHONE"
  • Clients can then use Inquiry API during the user enrollment flow. If an Alias is found to be preferred at an entity different from the client’s own participant ID, then this means the user has a payment credential linked as preferred at another financial institution. This can now be used to render the screen below. 
Additional details on Entity IDs for Remote Directory
  • The list of Entity IDs within the Remote Directory can be provided as part of Remote Directory onboarding. The Entity ID format will vary by market. Please speak with your implementation manager for more information.
  • If a participant originates an Alias Resolution request with an Entity Id that was not included in the Remote Directory onboarding, an error will be returned indicating the Entity was not found. The Remote Directory will also not receive any Alias Resolution request.
  • If a Remote Directory decides to use the Entity Id functionality, the Remote Directory’s Alias Inquiry API response must indicate the Entity ID(s) associated with the Aliases. The Entity ID(s) returned in the response must have the same format as the Entity IDs registered during the onboarding process.
  • The Entity ID is an optional field. Remote Directories must be able to respond to an Alias Resolution or Alias Inquiry request where Entity ID is not present. 

Transaction Details

  • This object provides additional information to the recipient of the Alias Resolution request to help provide the appropriate payment credential.
  • currencyCode - Allows a client to specify the currency of the payment credential returned in the Alias Resolution response. Some clients have different payment credentials for different currencies. By providing the currencyCode, a client can specify currency of the payment credential needed in the Alias Resolution response. 
  • The responsibility of verifying the currency matches falls on the Financial Institutions (FI). The Alias Directory Service will exclusively use the information provided by the FI to conduct the currency resolution.

User Details

  • This object allows the client initiating an Alias Inquiry or Alias Resolution call to provide more information about the consumer requesting the information.
  • This consumer information can be provided in the userName field and should use an identifier that represents the end user who is requesting an Alias Resolution. This field must not contain any PII information.
  • This information will be used for risk analysis purposes by Directory Network Manager. In addition, this information will be passed to remote directories for risk analysis purposes.

Setting a Preferred Payment Instrument

  • Alias Directory allows a payment credential to be marked as “Preferred”.
  • Alias Directory supports associating multiple payment instruments at multiple banks with a single Alias and allows selecting a preferred payment instrument for receiving payments. In the example above, John has four payment credentials associated with his Alias. He has selected “John's Debit Card at Bank A” as the preferred payment instrument so that any payment sent using his Alias will be received into this account.
  • For a given Alias, only one payment instrument of each payment instrument type may be marked as preferred. For example, the same Alias can have one card and one bank credential both marked as preferred.
    • Please note that the above is the recommended configuration. However, certain programs may decide to allow more than one preferred credential.
  • If Bank A has marked a payment instrument as preferred, but a second client marks another payment instrument as preferred for the same Alias, then the second client's payment instrument will be marked as preferred and will be returned in Resolve API.

Duplicate Resolution

  • A common scenario that occurs is that a consumer may use the same Alias (e.g., phone) and register that Alias with multiple participants (e.g., the same phone number is registered at Bank A and Bank B)
  • During an Alias Resolution, Alias Directory Service applies a number of business rules to return a single payment credential to the requestor. A sample of some of those rules are below:

Rule Name


Preferred Payment Credential


  • Prioritize the Payment Credential marked as preferred


Preferred Payment Credential Timestamp


  • If more than one Payment Credential is marked as preferred, return the preferred credential with the latest timestamp



  • This scenario may occur if the program configuration allows for multiple preferred credentials.



  • This scenario may also occur if a Remote Directory returns payment credentials that are marked as Preferred



  • In the below example, the same consumer has registered the same Alias with 3 banks:



    Marked as Preferred?

    Preferred Timestamp


    Bank A (Local Directory)


    1:00 pm, June 1, 2023


    Bank B (Remote Directory)


    4:00 pm, June 10, 2023


    Bank C (Local Directory)



          Given the above example, Alias Resolution would return Bank B’s Payment Credential.



Integration with Cybersource Token Management Service

Alias Directory Service supports tokenization for payment instruments through an integration with Cybersource Token Management Service. Token Management Service (TMS) creates a network token, which Alias Directory stores and associates with an Alias. The token protects sensitive customer payment data stored in secure Visa data centers and can be used in place of a PAN in an OCT.

Alias Directory currently uses TMS for tokenizing Visa payment credentials. 

Please visit this link to learn more about Cybersource Token Management Service


Local Directory Tokenization

  • Tokenization can be enabled at the country level for all participants or at the bank level for individual participants. 
  • If a client is configured for tokenization, Alias Directory Service will provision a network token during Create Alias and Create Payment Credential and store the token associated with the Alias 
  • The token will be returned in Alias Resolve, Get Payment Credential by ID, and Get Payment Credential by Alias. 
  • Alias Directory Service will throttle provision attempts to limit traffic to clients. 
  • When a token is returned in Resolve, a field containing the last four digits of the PAN will be available to support recipient verification UX flows. 
  • The accountNumberType field denotes if the account number is a token or a PAN.


Remote Directory Tokenization

This section details the case where a Remote Directory is providing a payment instrument to Alias Directory Service for use in Alias Resolve.

  • If the Remote Directory provides a PAN to Alias Directory, the PAN will be returned in Alias Resolve and a token will be provisioned offline for subsequent resolutions for this Alias and payment instrument. 
  • Alias Directory will temporarily store the PAN in this scenario, but once the token is created, the PAN will be deleted.

Non-PCI Compliance and Tokenization

Clients who are configured as non-PCI compliant are now supported through the use of tokenization.

  • If a token is available, the PAN will be replaced with the token in the accountNumber field. 
  • If no token is available, PCI information will be removed from Alias Resolve response.


On Behalf Of Processing


On-Behalf-Of processing allows processors, or technical service providers (TSPs) to enable the Visa Alias Directory Service for multiple clients using a single project on Visa Developer Center.



How to use On Behalf Of processing

  1. Integrate to Visa Alias Directory Service: The procedure for integrating with the Visa Alias Directory Service remains unchanged. This involves setting up the project, incorporating Visa Alias Directory Service APIs, and collaborating with Visa for testing and onboarding completion.
  2. Request the client profile is created: Upon readiness, the necessary information should be provided to Visa for the creation of the client profile. Visa will then configure the client profile and issue the participant ID. The information required by Visa includes:
    • Visa Developer Center (VDC) project name
    • The TSP participant ID and BID
    • Clients name, country and BID
  3. Include the On-Behalf-Of header: Once the participant ID is received, it should be incorporated into the On-Behalf-Of header as per the API specification. The API call will then be processed as though it were submitted by the client themselves.


What does the On-Behalf-Of header do?

When Visa Alias Directory receives an API call with the On-Behalf-Of header, it will process the API call as if received from the client identified by that header.

It is important to include the correct participant ID in the On-Behalf-Of header as this ensures Visa Alias Directory processes the request correctly:

  • API calls that include an On-Behalf-Of header with an invalid participant ID, or a participant ID not associated to the TSP, will be rejected.
  • API calls that do not include an On-Behalf-Of header will create aliases associated to the TSP rather than a client. 


OCT Testing

This section provided detailed instruction for testing OCTs in VCMS with Alias Directory. Please follow the following steps for end-to-end testing:

  • Step 1. Alias Creation: Clients use the VDP Sandbox (SBX) environment (  for the creation of Aliases. If issues arise during this process, the implementation manager is available to provide assistance. This could include providing an Alias that has been previously linked with Visa test cards.
  • Step 2. Alias Resolution: Clients use the Resolve API in the VDP Sandbox to resolve an Alias. This process retrieves the associated test Primary Account Number (PAN).
  • Step 3. Initiating Original Credit Transaction (OCT): Clients use the test PAN obtained from the Resolve API to insert into the OCT message. This message is then sent to the Visa Certification Management Service (


End-to-End Client Testing




Alias Directory Service provides APIs for requesting and downloading reports. The available endpoints are listed below

Step 1

Create a report request

Step 1

Return report ID

Step 1

Check report status

Step 1

Download completed report




Additional Details

Create Report

/reports (POST)

Create a report, specify the report type and define the parameters.

Report ID is returned in response.


The field type specifies the type of report to be generated


The field filters defines the parameters used to create the report (e.g., startDate, endDate)

Alias Directory will create the report offline and clients can download in the subsequent steps.

Get Report

/reports/{reportId} (GET)

Retrieves information about a specific Create Report request.

Clients can use this endpoint to check the status of a Create Report request. For example, the create report request may be “completed” or “in-progress” 

The response of this will also include the field "fileIds". The fileId will be used to download the report. Please note some reports may have multiple files due to the size of the report.


Download Report

/reports/{reportId}/file/{fileId} (GET)

Retrieves a file from a previously requested report with COMPLETED status.

This endpoint returns the requested data in JSON format, as described in the API spec, as part of the MLE encrypted response payload.

Resolution Reconciliation Report

Report Description:

  • Includes a detailed view of the Alias Resolutions requests of a participant. For example, if participant has made ten Alias Resolution requests, this report details the status and results of each request. 
  • The following filters are applicable for this report: startDate, endDate

Report Fields:

Field Name: originationDateTime
Description: The date and time of the Alias Resolution request
Example: 2021-01-01T10:52:46.000Z

Field Name: programId
Description: The guid of the program that the participant belongs in
Example: a5d0bd35-16f5-4e98-86f5-b1a464215a63

Field Name: originatorActorId
Description: Participant id of the entity which sent the request
Example: 6ac54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a0

Field Name: onBehalfOf
Description: Participant id which the original_actor_id sent the request on behalf of. This is only applicable in certain cases.
Example: 1ff54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a2

Field Name: resolvedAlias
Description: The Alias value provided in the Alias Resolution request
Example: 123456789

Field Name: resolvedPaymentCredentialType
Description: The type of payment credential returned in the Alias Resolution response
Example: CARD

Field Name: statusCode
Description: The status code returned in the API response
Example: 200

Field Name: resolvedDirectory
Description: The name of the directory which returned the payment credential
Example: Directory A


Report Sample

        "originationDateTime": "2023-07-31T20:15:18.679Z",
        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "originatorActorId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "statusCode": 200
        "originationDateTime": "2023-07-31T20:23:49.618Z",
        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "originatorActorId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "statusCode": 200


Directory Status Report

Report Description:

  • Includes the cumulative number of Aliases and Payment credentials stored in the Alias Directory. 
  • The following filters are applicable for this report: startDate, endDate, aliasType

Report Fields:

Field Name: programId
Description: The guid of the program that the participant belongs in
Example: a5d0bd35-16f5-4e98-86f5-b1a464215a63

Field Name: ownerParticipantId
Description: The participant id which owns this Alias and payment credential information
Example: 6ac54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a0

Field Name: objectType
Description: The type of this object

Field Name: objectSubType
Description: The sub_type of this object
Possible values:
For Object_Type = ALIAS, then possible subtypes are: PHONE, EMAIL
For Object_Type = PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL, then possible subtypes are: CARD, BANK

Field Name: status
Description: The status of this object

Field Name: objectCount
Description: The number of types this object is in the Alias Directory
Example: 1200

Report Sample

        "programId": "c0af8887-eac3-4b89-ad35-73c66e22088e",
        "ownerParticipantId": "d1ebd0da-54e5-493a-9ba3-4ccc21a183cc",
        "objectType": "ALIAS",
        "objectSubType": "PHONE",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "objectCount": 763739
        "programId": "c0af8887-eac3-4b89-ad35-73c66e22088e",
        "ownerParticipantId": "d1ebd0da-54e5-493a-9ba3-4ccc21a183cc",
        "objectType": "ALIAS",
        "objectSubType": "BANK",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "objectCount": 8772470


Payment Credential Details

Report Description:

  • Provides a detailed view of the payment credentials stored in the Alias Directory. Each row is a payment credential.
  • The following filters are applicable for this report: startDate, endDate, aliasType, aliasStatuses
  • The startDate and endDate parameters will provide results based on when the payment credential was created.

Report Fields:

Field Name: paymentCredentialCreatedDateTime
Description: The time the payment credential was created
Example: 2021-01-01T10:52:46.000Z

Field Name: programId
Description: The guid of the program that the participant belongs in
Example: a5d0bd35-16f5-4e98-86f5-b1a464215a63

Field Name: ownerParticipantId
Description: Participant id which created the payment credential
Example: 9ed54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a0

Field Name: paymentCredentialId
Description: The internal ID of the payment credential
Example: 40f26d01-28b8-4261-8d9d-638e2bade69c

Field Name: paymentCredentialType
Description: The type of the payment credential
Example: CARD

Field Name: accountNumberLast4
Description: The last four digits of the account
Example: 3456

Field Name: paymentCredentialStatus
Description: The status of the payment credential
Example: ACTIVE

Field Name: aliasId
Description: The internal ID of the Alias associated with this payment credential
Example: daa3ceaa-c3d5-4b3c-b03e-9bc1eed60b78

Field Name: aliasValue
Description: The value of the Alias associated with this payment credential
Example: 51991512051

Field Name: aliasType
Description: The type of Alias
Example: Phone


Report Sample

        "paymentCredentialCreatedDateTime": "2023-07-31T20:06:01.654426Z",
        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "ownerParticipantId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "paymentCredentialId": "06eeb39a-696a-4c6a-84f8-f3b2ad27ca11",
        "paymentCredentialType": "BANK",
        "accountNumberLast4": "1140",
        "paymentCredentialStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "aliasId": "967a3033-5cd3-4fe1-b09f-b6e4f1da5855",
        "aliasValue": "7568893885",
        "aliasType": "PHONE"
        "paymentCredentialCreatedDateTime": "2023-07-31T20:10:43.339798Z",
        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "ownerParticipantId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "paymentCredentialId": "1693aa4c-cb16-42ca-afa5-f0b6d6f75aeb",
        "paymentCredentialType": "BANK",
        "accountNumberLast4": "1140",
        "paymentCredentialStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "aliasId": "9564fb2a-c19c-4082-a973-c5233e5b0f24",
        "aliasValue": "9049748451",
        "aliasType": "PHONE"


Platform Requests Report

Report Description:

  • Provides a view of the cumulative number of requests received in the Alias Directory.
  • The following filters are applicable for this report: startDate, endDate, billingEventTypes
  • Please note that if no billingEventTypes is specified, then all request types will be returned

Report Fields:

Field Name: programId
Description: The guid of the program that the participant belongs in
Example: a5d0bd35-16f5-4e98-86f5-b1a464215a63

Field Name: originatorActorId
Description: Participant id of the entity which sent the request
Example: 6ac54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a0

Field Name: onBehalfOf
Description: Participant id which the original_actor_id sent the request on behalf of. This is only applicable in certain cases.
Example: 1ff54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a2

Field Name: operationType

Description: The type of operation the report must include.
Possible values:


Field Name: statusCode
Description: The status code returned in the API response
Example: 200

Field Name: operationsCount
Description: The aggregated amount of the number of requests
Example: 99


Report Sample

        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "originatorActorId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "operationType": "resolveAlias",
        "statusCode": 200,
        "operationsCount": 18
        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "originatorActorId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "operationType": "resolveAlias",
        "statusCode": 422,
        "operationsCount": 4


Resolution Directory Activity Report

Report Description:

  • Includes a detailed view of the Alias Resolutions requests received by a directory. This report is from the perspective of the directory itself and includes both local and remote directories. For example, a directory has received ten Alias Resolution requests, this report details the cumulative view of the requests by program and participant and its status. 
  • The following filters are applicable for this report: startDate, endDate

Report Fields:

Field Name: resolveDirectory
Description: The directory which received the Alias Resolution requests.
Example: Directory A

Field Name: programId
Description: The guid of the program that the participant belongs in
Example: a5d0bd35-16f5-4e98-86f5-b1a464215a63

Field Name: originatorActorId
Description: Participant id of the entity which sent the request
Example: 6ac54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a0

Field Name: onBehalfOf
Description: Participant id which the original_actor_id sent the request on behalf of. This is only applicable in certain cases.
Example: 1ff54662-84da-401d-aab5-b86bac9a02a2

Field Name: operationType

Description: The type of operation the report must include.
Possible values:


Field Name: statusCode
Description: The status code returned in the API response
Example: 200

Field Name: requestCount
Description: Total number of Alias Resolution requests
Example: 1200


Report Sample

        "resolveDirectory": "STANDARD_5EF147CC",
        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "originatorActorId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "operationType": "resolve_alias",
        "statusCode": 422,
        "requestCount": 0
        "resolveDirectory": "STANDARD_GTB094FB",
        "programId": "baf85624-3cf6-4c52-b91f-b8f3493e7330",
        "originatorActorId": "012af73f-44d8-4c9c-bbee-628b07faae1c",
        "operationType": "resolve_alias",
        "statusCode": 200,
        "requestCount": 0